Save As DAISY Addin - 2.8.1 beta
2.8.1 beta (December 2023)
This major release marks a change in the underlying conversion process to dtbook XML and packaged format, as DAISY Pipeline 1 is completely replaced by DAISY Pipeline 2.
The following features that are either reported unused or that are available through standard Microsoft Word actions are removed from the addin :
- The "from multiple documents" exports actions are removed :
As it was not a batch conversion of documents but a conversion and merging feature of multiple word document into a single Dtbook XML or DAISY book, testers reported the feature as unused in its current state.
For users needing a similar action, it is recommended to either use a master document referencing the documents to merge, or manually
construct a new Word document from the documents to merge. - The "Add footnotes" button is removed from the ribbon :
It is recommended to use Microsoft Word notes management in the "References" ribbon's tab. - It is no longer required to select an empty folder as export destination :
For a given export to a selected format, a new folder taking the name of the converted file name followed by the selected format and a timestamp suffix will be created inside the selected destination folder and will contain the result of the conversion.
Some new features are starting to be integrated in the addin and are still experimental:
- With the updated DAISY Pipeline 2 provided, users can now test the export to Megavoice fileset of MP3 files (Issues #30
- The EPUB3 export from DAISY Pipeline 2 is also exposed as experimental export.
In the current state of the EPUB3 export of DAISY Pipeline 2, it is still recommanded to use the WordToEpub plugin of DAISY to produce accessible EPUB from word document.
Various fixes and changes are included in the release :
- Fixed #25
by caching dtbook and mathml dtds and entities in the assembly, - New conversion form "advanced settings" panel to better display settings
for each export format based on DAISY pipeline 2 settings - Fixed conversion progress dialog text area behavior
- Fixed inline shapes export that could raise a clipboard issue
- Fixed a bug in acronyms and abbreviations conversions
- New update checking mecanism in the "About" dialog that
looks at the daisy github repository of the addin. - Issue #26 is fixed by
the removal of pipeline 1 that is vulnerable to attacks through its version of log4j - Issue #35 should be fixed.