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Save As DAISY Addin - 2.9.1 beta

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@NPavie NPavie released this 19 Dec 14:19
· 2 commits to master since this release

2.9.1 beta (December 2024)

This release introduces a bugfix regarding addin logging, where a missing folder in the DAISY Pipeline 2 application data folder would make the embedded java runtime to raise an error.

Some additional changes are also included

  • (Experimental) The addin can now export word document to DAISY2.02 format from the SaveAsDAISY export button on the ribbon
  • (Experimental, for testing purpose, use with caution) Azure TTS region and key can be configured in the addin settings to enable Azure voices usage directly from the addin embedded DAISY Pipeline 2 engine.
    • Note that a TTS configuration file still needs to be prepared to control Azure voices usage.
      For users that have the DAISY Pipeline app installed and have configured the voices they want to use in the DAISY pipeline app settings, a corresponding TTS configuration file should be available at %APPDATA%\pipeline-ui\ttsConfig.xml and can be used as TTS configuration for the addin.

Full Changelog: v2.9.0-beta...v2.9.1-beta