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Fredrik Jansson edited this page Apr 7, 2020 · 2 revisions

This is a page for documenting the development in the Ruisdael project, in particular on Cartesius.

DALES version

Ruisdael specific code is in the branch ruisdael.


Harmonie data for small LES - uniform forcing


code and documentation:

The modifications to DALES necessary for this setup have been merged into the branch to4.3_Fredrik.

Harmonie data for large LES - boundary forcing



Python environment on Cartesius

A python setup for running the script on Cartesius (tested 2020-04-07).

module load 2019
module load Python/3.6.6-foss-2018b
module load Cartopy/0.15.1-foss-2018b-Python-3.6.6
module load netcdf4-python/1.4.1-foss-2018b-Python-3.6.6
module load Tkinter/3.6.6-foss-2018b-Python-3.6.6
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages testbed_env
source testbed_env/bin/activate
pip install matplotlib==2.2.5 numba xarray

This setup is sensitive to changing versions. Cartopy is difficult to install with pip due to dependencies on libraries, e.g. PROJ. For this reason this setup relies on modules installed on Cartesius as far as possible. Caropy 0.15.1 does not seem to work with matplotlib >=3.0.0 (" 'GeoAxesSubplot' object has no attribute '_hold'"). Installing the latest numpy breaks the netcdf4 python module.