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Welcome to this Mini Java Compiler!
This Compiler uses:
-ANTLR for Parsing. Learn about ANTLR at: https://www.antlr.org/
-Java ASM for code generation. Learn more about ASM at: https://asm.ow2.io/
-I used this handy Intellij Plugin to analyze JVM bytecode when writing this compiler: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/16970-byte-code-analyzer
-Learn about how to write in Mini Java at: https://www.cambridge.org/resources/052182060X/
-This version of Mini Java also supports characters and will print them out
-View the source code for this compiler at: https://github.com/daltamur/mini-java-compiler
-To compile a Java file that follows the rules of MiniJava, run this program with the file location as a command line argument
^This is the output of the compiler when you run without arguments!