Written by damian / [email protected]
This readme tells you information about the script you are about to load, there isn't much about how to actually go about loading it up though. You should have at least basic eggdrop/TCL and IRC knowledge before attempting to load up this TCL, it's not for the stupid people. All commands available to use on the bot are listed in here, if they aren't check through the .etcl files in the archive. Please read the Must-know information before asking in the channel, or by email about this script.
All of the information below is must-know stuff when using this TCL. Over time this will definately get larger and larger, so keep track with it.
The TCL has only been tested on eggdrop v1.4.3, v1.4.4, v1.4.5. I know it will not work on any version above 1.5.0, and it may not work on versions lower than 1.4.0. There is a stop feature in the TCL to prevent it from working on these versions and crashing your bot, so beware!
If you get warnings about action_part, or anything similar chances are you loaded the TCL into an uncompatable version of eggdrop, see above! ^
If people dont read this its their fault. Before you can use this script in any channels, you must add yourself. How do you do this? Use the 'addme' command. The usage of it is simple (/msg botnick addme password channel). A more advanced help is below in the Commands section.
These Services will not work like normal services. They are connected as a normal client to the server, therefore will work just as any other bot does.
If you run this TCL on any other network than AustNet you may have problems with the Channel/Nickname/Memo Services options, as AustNet's are unique, and very different from other networks such as NewNet, EFnet Undernet, DALnet etc. So take care when using other networks, as the script may not function how you want it to.
If you are planning to put this TCL on a website of your own, please keep the archive as-is. It's got everything the client will need to set up the eggdrop to work, if you remove anything you are just wasting peoples time.
If you find any bugs in the script, or you think anything should be changed (this includes spelling mistakes and things) gimme a yell on AustNet or by Email. It all helps to get the script running it's best.
TCL/Eggdrop gets confused when you use '' in files, so use '/' instead to save time/trouble when setting up your files.
This bit of information shows all of the channel/query/partyline commands, how they are used, what they do, any additional information you may want to know, and if they have switches (-switch) what the switch does. This is how they all look:
- [syntax]
* [-switch] -> [explination]
- [what its used for]
- [additional information]
The syntax for all commands is located in the .etcl file too. If the command is '+command ..' with only the '+' at the front, it means it can only be used in the channel. If it is /msg then it can be used in query, if there is a '[]' after the command, it can also be used in the channel. If the command is prefixed with a '.' then it is to be used in the partyline.
- Just like a Magic 8ball
Access: - /msg botnick access [] [ <-online> <-userhost> <-lm> <-ls> <-host match> <-min level> <-max level>]
- .access <#channel> [<wildcard match> <-online> <-userhost> <-lm> <-ls> <-host match> <-min level> <-max level>]
* -online -> Displays if the user is online or offline
* -userhost -> Displays a users userhost ([email protected])
* -lm -> Displays who last modified the user, and when it happened
* -ls -> Displays when the user was last seen
* -host <match> -> Matches the 'match' against the users userhost ([email protected])
* -min <level> -> Displays only users who have access above and equal to 'level'
* -max <level> -> Displays only users who have access below and equal to 'level'
- The access list of a channel database
- The access command also shows if a user is suspended or not, with all information associated
- Add yourself to a channel (needed at startup)
- The password in this is the 'set(adminpass)' you set in the configuration file
* -userhost <host> -> Sets/adds this host as the users if they havent been added it sets as their only
* -aop <..> -> Sets the AOP for the user on/off (1, on, yes = On || 0, off, no = Off)
* -aov <..> -> Sets the AOV for the user on/off (1, on, yes = On || 0, off, no = Off)
* -protect <..> -> Sets the Protect for the user on/off (1, on, yes = On || 0, off, no = Off)
- Adds a user to the channel database
- Unlike AustNet Services, the AOP/AOV/Protect doesnt change depending on the value, it is set default to your 'set(autoadd)' in the configuration
- /msg botnick id <password>
- /msg botnick identify <password>
- /botcommand <your handle> <your password> [<extra commands>]
- ./botcommand <your nickname> <you handle> <your password>
- Authenticate to the bot
- All three of these commands are exactly the same
- /msg botnick unid <password>
- /msg botnick unidentify <password>
- Deauthenticate to the bot
- All three of these commands are exactly the same
Ban: - /msg botnick ban [] <nickname/banmask> [<-noexpire> <-nokick> <-kickall> <-sticky> <-level level> <-banmask u|h|nu|uh|nh|nuh> <-days N> <-hours N> <-mins N> <-quick option>]
* -noexpire -> Sets the ban to never expire
* -nokick -> Doesnt kick the nickname if you specify one
* -kickall -> Kicks all nicknames matching the banmask
* -sticky -> Creates a 'sticky ban', it wont be removed from the channel until it expires
* -level <level> -> Sets the ban so 'level' and higher levels can remove it, good for 200+ owners
* -banmask <u|h|nu|uh|nh|nuh> -> Sets the banmask to whichever you specify (n = nickname, u = user [identd], h = host [domain])
* -days <n> -> Sets the ban to expire in 'n' days
* -hours <n> -> Sets the ban to expire in 'n' hours
* -mins <n> -> Sets the ban to expire in 'n' minutes
* -quick <option> -> Chooses an option from the quickban file
- Bans a user or host in the channel you do it in
- The -days|-hours|-mins can be used together and will add up to the appropriate value
- Cleans the channel modes from the channel, and sets the modelock modes back if you are under the required access level
- Sends a nickname a Channel List (a list of all the channels they have access in), 'send to nickname' is the nickname you send to, it will send to you if you dont specify
- This command can only be used by 'special users'
- Lets you check what commands you can use in the channel
* All of the 'command's used in here are the actual commands on the bot (most of the ones listed in this section)
- Changes the channel command level, to disable specific level'd users to do specific commands (eg. set the op command to level 190, instead of 100)
* all -> Deletes all notes currently in your notebox
* new -> Deletes all unread notes currently in your notebox
* old -> Deletes all read notes currently in your notebox
- Deletes messages stored by the note/memo service
- Deletes your own access in a channel
- Deletes one or more users access in the channel
- Deops you or another user in the channel
- If you dont specify anything after 'deop' it will deop you
- Devoices you or another user in the channel
- If you dont specify anything after 'devoice' it will devoice you
Fun: - +fun <cleanoffice|milk|milo|squish|lamebot|opers|coffee|time|bonk|lix|moo|chocolate|icecream|droolz|shagz|d0nk|slobbers|bash> []
- Just a small joke, try out the different options (cleanoffice, milk, milo etc.) to see what they do :)
- Get the information of a 'ChanOP' channel or nickname that is on the Services TCL
- Unlike other commands this can be used in the channel or query
- Invites you to a channel, you cannot use this to invite others
- Kicks a user the channel, with a message
* new -> Lists all unread notes currently in your notebox
* old -> Lists all read notes currently in your notebox
* all -> Lists all notes currently in your notebox
- Lists the note/memos received by others using the Send command
- If you don't specify an option, it will assume 'all' was chosen
Listban: - /msg botnick listban [] [ <-whoset> <-whenset> <-lastactive> <-reason> <-min N> <-max N>]
- .listban <channel> [<wildcard match> <-whoset> <-whenset> <-lastactive> <-reason> <-min N> <-max N>]
* -whoset -> Displays who set the ban
* -whenset -> Displays when the ban was set
* -lastactive -> Displays when the ban was last activated (this isnt very accurate..)
* -reason -> Displays the reason why the banmask was banned
* -min <n> -> Only displays bans that were set by someone with access over and the same as 'n'
* -max <n> -> Only displays bans that were set by someone with access under and the same as 'n'
- Shows the list of bans current in the settings of the script for that channel
- If the banlist user has been deleted the reasons may be wrong
- Deops everyone in the channel apart from itself
- Devoices everyone in the channel
- Says a silly quote that mimics the nickname
- This command will mimic anyone who is listed in the set(mimic.file) file
- Ops you or another user in the channel
- If you dont specify anything after 'op' it will op you
- Purge's your note/memo messages to remove them completely from the bot, unretrievable
* new -> Reads all unread notes currently in your notebox
* all -> Reads all notes currently in your notebox
- Reads note/memos sent to you by others using the Send command
- Resets the channel user database, if you specify a level it will only delete below that
- Be careful with this, you could remove yourself :P
* -online -> Sends a list of people who are online in the channel to you without letting others know
- Sends a message to everyone who is online in the channel saying the 'message'
- If the 'nonote' is higher then your access in the channel, this wont send any messages to others
* -min N -> Sends note to all users in the channel(s) with an access level above/including 'N'
* -max N -> Sends note to all users in the channel(s) with an access level below/including 'N'
- Sends a note/memo to the nick/chan you selected.
Set: - /msg botnick set [] <keeptopic|mode|nonote|oprestrict|restrict|mustid|tellpeak|tellset|telladd|telldel|nochanmsg|funmsg|url|log|owner|address>
* keeptopic -> The topic lock level
* mode -> The modelock feature (this is used like; set mode <level> <-mo+de-s>)
* nonote -> Restrict channel notes (Memo's, seeks)
* oprestrict -> Restrict the people who are opd (this is used like; set oprestrict <level>) -- I have kept on/off in there for people who dont read this
* restrict -> Restrict the people who join the channel
* mustid -> When the bot is opd it will auto-auth (kinda) people who are op'd, deop'd in the channel (security relies on the same as the normal auth features)
* tellpeak -> Message the channel when the peak breaks
* tellset -> Notifies the owner(s) when someone uses set
* telladd -> Notifies the owner(s) when someone uses adduser
* telldel -> Notifies the owner(s) when someone uses deluser
* tellsetu -> Notifies the owner(s) when someone uses setuser
* nochanmsg -> Makes the channel users have to use /msg commands instead of +commands
* funmsg -> Turns fun messages on (similar to ChanOP on AustNet but turns +8ball, +fun and +mimic on)
* url -> Changes the channel URL
* log -> Only 200+ accessed users can use this, it sets the report log on and off
* owner -> Sets the channel owner(s) (seperate each by a space)
* address -> Sets the channel address (shown in info)
* quota -> Sets the quota on the channel (set to '0' for unlimited)
* banquota -> Sets the ban quota on the channel (set to '0' for unlimited)
- Change the main settings of each individual channel
- In the next version of Services all of these settings will be working, and more should be added
* 8ball -> Changes option in the $set(8ball.file) file, can only add/list
* mimic -> Changes option in the $set(mimic.file) file
* topics -> Changes option in the $set(topics.file) file, can only add/list
* quickban -> Changes optoin in the $set(quickban.file) file
- Manages the 8ball, topics, quickban and mimic files by adding, deleting and listing options.
- Changes your $set(variable) variables from within the bot
- Only bot owner can use this, and do so with extreme care
* add -> Adds a mainchan to the bot and joins the channel
* del -> Removes a mainchan from the bot and parts the channel
* set -> Set <yes/on/1> makes the channel usable. Set <no/off/0> makes the channel unusable
* combine -> Changes 'channel' into 'option' and moves access list, 'option' access list over-rules 'channel'
- Toggles with the main channels and settings on the bot
- Deleting a channel destroys the access list completely
- Sets the homechan to 'channel'
Setme: - /msg botnick setme <email|pass|url|asl|usemsg|autoid|aov|aop|showemail|noteonadd|noteondel|noteonset|tellbyemail>
* email -> The email the bot sends emails to for settings lower, and to let others know it
* pass -> Your password, used for authentication
* url -> Your website URL, or anything else you want to put in here
* asl -> Your Age, Sex, Location. Someone just suggested I put it in :/
* usemsg -> Use PRIVMSG Interface as apposed to NOTICE Interface for messages
* autoid -> Auto Identify when you join a channel that hasn't got MustID set on it (not working yet)
* aov -> AutoVoice yourself in a channel without identifying on channels without MustID set on
* aop -> AutoOP yourself in a channel without identifying on channels without MustID set on
* showemail -> Show your email address when someone does '/msg botnick info' on you
* noteonadd -> Sends you a note (with built in note system) when you are added to a channel (not working yet)
* noteondel -> Sends you a note (with built in note system) when you are removed from a channel (not working yet)
* noteonset -> Sends you a note (with built in note system) when your access has changed, or you are suspended on a channel (not working yet)
* tellbyemail -> Instead of sending notes (noteonadd, noteondel, noteonset, tellset, telladd etc.) via the note system, it will send an email every 24hrs containing all notes
- Changes the settings of a user (nickname is the nickname in ALL channels)
- You must have more access then the user you are settings unless you are 'special'
- Changes the topic in the channel to whatever you want
* all -> Unbans all bans in the channel that arent sticky/perminant
* perms -> Unbans all bans in the channel that are perminant
* sticky -> Unbans all bans in the channel that are sticky
* me -> Unbans all bans in the channel that match your current address
- Unbans addresses in the channel
- Voices you or another user in the channel
- If you dont specify anything after 'voice' it will voice you
If there is anything not in this list, or file that should be please tell me about it ASAP so I can update. Also if there's any problems, email or drop by the channel.
- damian [2003]