This project is to reinstall needed tools from PowerShell. This as been configured for mine purpose as a dotnet developer, with my usage, but can be adapt for each situation for others developers.
Run the following commands or it would not be able to execute the install file or the PowerShell configuration file:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope LocalMachine -Force;
More information here
Execute Install.ps1
(It may asking you some confirmations during the process).
Install a Nerd font and configure it in your favorite terminal.
The script will propose you to install 3 files (.gitconfig / posh-my-git theme / powershell profile). This files are fit to my own usage. Say yes with precautions.
By the way, if you say no, take a look to Microsoft.PowerShell_Profile.ps1 and create your own with the imported modules.
The script install the follwing tools:
- WindowsTerminal
- 7zip
- Git
- OhMyPosh
- dotnet sdk
- PowerToys
- VisualStudioCode
- Notepad++
- VisualStudio.2022.Professional
- Firefox
- DataGrip (From JetBrains)
- DevToys