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attempt to understand said as specified in KERI and related specs

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SAID Calculator

This project is a Python-based tool for calculating Self-Addressing Identifiers (SAIDs) as defined in the KERI spec.


Simply to attempt to understand the specification and it's implementation.


  • Calculate SAID based on inputs following KERI's hashing method. Currently only implement and default to blake3 256.
  • SAID Calculation: Generate SAIDs for data structures, including nested components.
  • Compact/Non-Compact Representations: Process SADs into compact or non-compact forms, supporting flexible data management.
  • Partial Decompaction: Reveal specific parts of a compacted SAD structure selectively, preserving privacy for other components.


To install the library:

git clone
cd simple-said
pip install .

1. saidify

saidify(sad, label='d', version=-1, compactify=False)

Description: Processes a Self-Addressing Data (SAD) structure to calculate and integrate SAIDs. Handles nested components recursively and produces both compact and non-compact representations.

Key Parameters:

  • sad (dict): The SAD structure to process.
  • label (str): The field name used for SAID storage (default: 'd').
  • version (int): The version to use (inferred if -1).
  • compactify (bool): If True, generates a fully compact representation. If the major version is 2, then is set to True.

Returns (compactified) : A dictionary with details such as:

  • said_v1 (str): SAID calculated for version 1 (if applicable).
  • said (str): The calculated SAID for the compact representation.
  • paths (list): Paths to fields where SAIDs were calculated.
  • sads (dict): compact SAD structures with updated SAIDs at specific paths.
  • saiders (dict): Calculated SAIDs for individual paths in the SAD.
  • compact (dict): The compacted final SAD with integrated SAIDs.
  • non_compact (dict): The non-compacted SAD with integrated SAIDs.
  • major_version_detected (int): The major version number detected from the SAD.
  • label: the said label.

Returns (non-compactified): A tuple (said, updated_ked)


  • Automatically handles versioning when version=-1.
  • Can compactify anything on the said label if compactify=True.

2. get_said

get_said(data, label='d', version=None)

Description: Calculates the SAID for a given data structure using the BLAKE3 hash algorithm. Updates the data structure with the SAID and ensures compatibility with specific message types (icp, dip, vcp).

Key Parameters:

  • data: The data structure for SAID calculation.
  • label: The field name where the SAID is stored.
  • version: Optional version string for construction.

Returns: A tuple:

  • said: The calculated SAID.
  • sad: The updated data structure.
  • is_unchanged: Whether the calculated SAID matches the existing value.


  • Handles optional versioning.
  • Updates the identifier (i) field for certain message types.

3. construct_partial

construct_partial(paths, sads, label)

Description: Constructs a partial decompacted version of a SAD structure, selectively revealing nested components based on specified paths.

Key Parameters:

  • paths: A list of paths to nested elements to reveal.
  • sads: A dictionary of compacted SADs (from saidify).
  • label: The field name used as the SAID label.

Returns: A partially decompacted SAD with revealed content for the specified paths. (pass in all the paths for a fully decompacted SAD)


  • First get the results from saidify

Original non compactified

from simple_said import saidify

example = { 
  'd': 'EEc0llA5ATA0LqgD3NacFddX0P_Q8has1CW5yKtYsFq5',
  'i': 'did:keri:EmkPreYpZfFk66jpf3uFv7vklXKhzBrAqjsKAn2EDIPM',
  's': 'EGGeIZ8a8FWS7a646jrVPTzlSkUPqs4reAXRZOkogZ2A',
  'a': { 'd': 'EFQF1FMPvppOYH5mREvhtpeVIOyIA5qUR8yoDXlPjdrr',
         'i': 'did:keri:EpZfFk66jpf3uFv7vklXKhzBrAqjsKAn2EDIPmkPreYA',
         'date': '2022-08-22T17:50:09.988921+00:00',
         'place': { 'd': 'EFe4t4vP0C7e-tThgEy3HxyDRa62p9oTDxGJkqjkbfK8',
                    'u': '0A8xHxiskgz5jJ8ZYtEfnBt_',
                    'a': 'GoodFood Restaurant, 953 East Sheridan Ave, Cody WY '
                         '82414 USA'}},
  'e': { 'd': 'ELklZ5xoxJV9w2mEantpo58a76OMp5Cby2S0gk2gU41F',
         'other': { 'd': 'ENZyhiv9penkbqBqblRpBYTznwf3h84uHh93s_e77A7t',
                    'n': 'EIl3MORH3dCdoFOLe71iheqcywJcnjtJtQIYPvAu6DZA'}},
  'r': { 'd': 'EGP6QI5LL1X9unCUymIwtQRjp9p4r_loUgKdymVpn_VG',
         'Assimilation': { 'd': 'EBRRwxQlC6b57S_7mnH-p51N3lUcgO8AAcQrgl_FTuPo',
                           'l': 'Issuee hereby explicitly and unambiguously '
                                'agrees to NOT assimilate, aggregate, '
                                'correlate, or otherwise use in combination '
                                'with other information available to the '
                                'Issuee, the information, in whole or in part, '
                                'referenced by this container or any '
                                'containers recursively referenced by the edge '
                                'section, for any purpose other than that '
                                'expressly permitted by the Purpose clause.'},
         'Purpose': { 'd': 'EOF9OZMZudCRFDU_AmJWY7Py3KdazRsGnbEz-QIQ7HJj',
                      'l': 'One-time admittance of Issuer by Issuee to eat at '
                           'place on date as specified in Attribute section.'}

saidified = saidify.saidify(example)

Parial Disclosures Example

Partial reveal 1

to_reveal = [['r','Assimilation'], ['r', 'Purpose']]
partial_1 = saidify.construct_partial(to_reveal, saidified ['sads'], saidified ['label'])


  'd': 'EEc0llA5ATA0LqgD3NacFddX0P_Q8has1CW5yKtYsFq5',
  'i': 'did:keri:EmkPreYpZfFk66jpf3uFv7vklXKhzBrAqjsKAn2EDIPM',
  's': 'EGGeIZ8a8FWS7a646jrVPTzlSkUPqs4reAXRZOkogZ2A',
  'a': 'EFQF1FMPvppOYH5mREvhtpeVIOyIA5qUR8yoDXlPjdrr',
  'e': 'ELklZ5xoxJV9w2mEantpo58a76OMp5Cby2S0gk2gU41F',
  'r': { 'd': 'EGP6QI5LL1X9unCUymIwtQRjp9p4r_loUgKdymVpn_VG',
         'Assimilation': { 'd': 'EBRRwxQlC6b57S_7mnH-p51N3lUcgO8AAcQrgl_FTuPo',
                           'l': 'Issuee hereby explicitly and unambiguously '
                                'agrees to NOT assimilate, aggregate, '
                                'correlate, or otherwise use in combination '
                                'with other information available to the '
                                'Issuee, the information, in whole or in part, '
                                'referenced by this container or any '
                                'containers recursively referenced by the edge '
                                'section, for any purpose other than that '
                                'expressly permitted by the Purpose clause.'},
         'Purpose': { 'd': 'EOF9OZMZudCRFDU_AmJWY7Py3KdazRsGnbEz-QIQ7HJj',
                      'l': 'One-time admittance of Issuer by Issuee to eat at '
                           'place on date as specified in Attribute section.'}

Partial reveal 2

to_reveal = [['r','Assimilation'], ['r', 'Purpose'], ['a']]
partial_2 = saidify.construct_partial(to_reveal, saidified ['sads'], saidified ['label'])


  'd': 'EEc0llA5ATA0LqgD3NacFddX0P_Q8has1CW5yKtYsFq5',
  'i': 'did:keri:EmkPreYpZfFk66jpf3uFv7vklXKhzBrAqjsKAn2EDIPM',
  's': 'EGGeIZ8a8FWS7a646jrVPTzlSkUPqs4reAXRZOkogZ2A',
  'a': { 'd': 'EFQF1FMPvppOYH5mREvhtpeVIOyIA5qUR8yoDXlPjdrr',
         'i': 'did:keri:EpZfFk66jpf3uFv7vklXKhzBrAqjsKAn2EDIPmkPreYA',
         'date': '2022-08-22T17:50:09.988921+00:00',
         'place': 'EFe4t4vP0C7e-tThgEy3HxyDRa62p9oTDxGJkqjkbfK8'},
  'e': 'ELklZ5xoxJV9w2mEantpo58a76OMp5Cby2S0gk2gU41F',
  'r': { 'd': 'EGP6QI5LL1X9unCUymIwtQRjp9p4r_loUgKdymVpn_VG',
         'Assimilation': { 'd': 'EBRRwxQlC6b57S_7mnH-p51N3lUcgO8AAcQrgl_FTuPo',
                           'l': 'Issuee hereby explicitly and unambiguously '
                                'agrees to NOT assimilate, aggregate, '
                                'correlate, or otherwise use in combination '
                                'with other information available to the '
                                'Issuee, the information, in whole or in part, '
                                'referenced by this container or any '
                                'containers recursively referenced by the edge '
                                'section, for any purpose other than that '
                                'expressly permitted by the Purpose clause.'},
         'Purpose': { 'd': 'EOF9OZMZudCRFDU_AmJWY7Py3KdazRsGnbEz-QIQ7HJj',
                      'l': 'One-time admittance of Issuer by Issuee to eat at '
                           'place on date as specified in Attribute section.'}

Partial reveal 3

to_reveal = [['r','Assimilation'], ['r', 'Purpose'], ['a', 'place']]
partial_3 = saidify.construct_partial(to_reveal, saidified ['sads'], saidified ['label'])


  'd': 'EEc0llA5ATA0LqgD3NacFddX0P_Q8has1CW5yKtYsFq5',
  'i': 'did:keri:EmkPreYpZfFk66jpf3uFv7vklXKhzBrAqjsKAn2EDIPM',
  's': 'EGGeIZ8a8FWS7a646jrVPTzlSkUPqs4reAXRZOkogZ2A',
  'a': { 'd': 'EFQF1FMPvppOYH5mREvhtpeVIOyIA5qUR8yoDXlPjdrr',
         'i': 'did:keri:EpZfFk66jpf3uFv7vklXKhzBrAqjsKAn2EDIPmkPreYA',
         'date': '2022-08-22T17:50:09.988921+00:00',
         'place': { 'd': 'EFe4t4vP0C7e-tThgEy3HxyDRa62p9oTDxGJkqjkbfK8',
                    'u': '0A8xHxiskgz5jJ8ZYtEfnBt_',
                    'a': 'GoodFood Restaurant, 953 East Sheridan Ave, Cody WY '
                         '82414 USA'}},
  'e': 'ELklZ5xoxJV9w2mEantpo58a76OMp5Cby2S0gk2gU41F',
  'r': { 'd': 'EGP6QI5LL1X9unCUymIwtQRjp9p4r_loUgKdymVpn_VG',
         'Assimilation': { 'd': 'EBRRwxQlC6b57S_7mnH-p51N3lUcgO8AAcQrgl_FTuPo',
                           'l': 'Issuee hereby explicitly and unambiguously '
                                'agrees to NOT assimilate, aggregate, '
                                'correlate, or otherwise use in combination '
                                'with other information available to the '
                                'Issuee, the information, in whole or in part, '
                                'referenced by this container or any '
                                'containers recursively referenced by the edge '
                                'section, for any purpose other than that '
                                'expressly permitted by the Purpose clause.'},
         'Purpose': { 'd': 'EOF9OZMZudCRFDU_AmJWY7Py3KdazRsGnbEz-QIQ7HJj',
                      'l': 'One-time admittance of Issuer by Issuee to eat at '
                           'place on date as specified in Attribute section.'}

4. disclosure_by_saids


The disclosure_by_saids function selectively expands (decompacts) specific SAIDs (Self-Addressing Identifiers) within a Self-Addressing Data (SAD) structure. It is used to partially reveal specific components of a compacted SAD while keeping the rest of the structure in its compact form.

This function is particularly useful for controlled disclosure of data, where only selected parts of a SAD are expanded based on a given list of SAIDs.


  • expanded (dict):

    • A fully or partially expanded SAD structure that serves as the base for disclosure.
  • saids (list of str):

    • A list of SAIDs (Self-Addressing Identifiers) to expand within the SAD.
  • label (str, optional):

    • The label field in the SAD that identifies SAIDs. Defaults to 'd'.


  • exposed (dict):
    • A partially decompactified (partially disclosed) SAD structure where the specified SAIDs are expanded.
agg_expanded = { 'v': 'ACDCCAAJSONAAWR.',
  'd': 'EP4hAnTIAUtIJXtzHm6HaG5NuZO4JsYhVJtDRQr_Eef3',
  'u': '0AHcgNghkDaG7OY1wjaDAE0q',
  'i': 'EAqjsKFk66jpf3uFv7An2EDIPMvklXKhmkPreYpZfzBr',
  'rd': 'EMwsxUelUauaXtMxTfPAMPAI6FkekwlOjkggtymRy7x',
  's': 'EAXRZOkogZ2A46jrVPTzlSkUPqGGeIZ8a8FWS7a6s4re',
  'A': [ { 'd': 'EC9mAmY9RI140l3CX_6EK6aDl5lXns6TM65Ho00pM4nm',
           'u': '0AqHcgNghkDaG7OY1wjaDAE0',
           'i': 'did:keri:EpZfFk66jpf3uFv7vklXKhzBrAqjsKAn2EDIPmkPreYA'},
         { 'd': 'EFLx0eeyvz_kBgKuWl60Rh7rHXJiiXE9mUw7qtolLgTL',
           'u': '0AG7OY1wjaDAE0qHcgNghkDa',
           'class': 'Chemistry',
           'quarter': '2022-1',
           'pass': True,
           'score': { 'd': 'EHdeZq0uF37SWzr_ng93XdcOpeKIsHUjyWOqEF7GIZ8C',
                      'u': '0AtzfJAh4ZY_aOEMjfquKB3H',
                      'value': '83.4'}},
         { 'd': 'EALtrm1Lhoa4PJcpmvwxpXzrE04GGRxsXWlK8EVTs3jF',
           'u': '0AghkDaG7OY1wjaDAE0qHcgN',
           'name': 'Jane Doe'}],
  'r': { 'd': 'EBGElk7bgI3eJXzmI1xdmB9heCCfOhkQKx8DI5LRM4V9',
         'Correlation': { 'd': 'EEhRSkOjCqSXnwEx3ywRMhQEk1t8YbIfZRU3LykvxOZc',
                          'u': '0AAxNda_GP6MeB_hDrQ-03RD',
                          'l': 'Correlation of data referenced by this ACDC '
                               'with other data or datasets disconnected from '
                               'the ACDC is prohibited. Such correlation is '
                               'only permitted with explicit authorization as '
                               'defined by this ACDC.'},
         'Confidential': { 'd': 'EMPn6SLAZmnRk8kBCyu4-oUBSaWMeoZ-6tVmwY8m21oM',
                           'u': '0AXqUyDnOdyNq-NKI5CqdSrk',
                           'l': 'This rule enforces the confidentiality of '
                                'data referenced by this ACDC. Unauthorized '
                                'sharing, disclosure, or use of this data is '
                                'strictly prohibited and must adhere to the '
                                'terms defined within this ACDC.'}}}

partial_agg= saidify.disclosure_by_saids(agg_expanded, 
pp.pprint(partial_agg )


  'd': 'EP4hAnTIAUtIJXtzHm6HaG5NuZO4JsYhVJtDRQr_Eef3',
  'u': '0AHcgNghkDaG7OY1wjaDAE0q',
  'i': 'EAqjsKFk66jpf3uFv7An2EDIPMvklXKhmkPreYpZfzBr',
  'rd': 'EMwsxUelUauaXtMxTfPAMPAI6FkekwlOjkggtymRy7x',
  's': 'EAXRZOkogZ2A46jrVPTzlSkUPqGGeIZ8a8FWS7a6s4re',
  'A': [ 'EC9mAmY9RI140l3CX_6EK6aDl5lXns6TM65Ho00pM4nm',
         { 'd': 'EFLx0eeyvz_kBgKuWl60Rh7rHXJiiXE9mUw7qtolLgTL',
           'u': '0AG7OY1wjaDAE0qHcgNghkDa',
           'class': 'Chemistry',
           'quarter': '2022-1',
           'pass': True,
           'score': 'EHdeZq0uF37SWzr_ng93XdcOpeKIsHUjyWOqEF7GIZ8C'},
  'r': { 'd': 'EBGElk7bgI3eJXzmI1xdmB9heCCfOhkQKx8DI5LRM4V9',
         'Correlation': { 'd': 'EEhRSkOjCqSXnwEx3ywRMhQEk1t8YbIfZRU3LykvxOZc',
                          'u': '0AAxNda_GP6MeB_hDrQ-03RD',
                          'l': 'Correlation of data referenced by this ACDC '
                               'with other data or datasets disconnected from '
                               'the ACDC is prohibited. Such correlation is '
                               'only permitted with explicit authorization as '
                               'defined by this ACDC.'},
         'Confidential': { 'd': 'EMPn6SLAZmnRk8kBCyu4-oUBSaWMeoZ-6tVmwY8m21oM',
                           'u': '0AXqUyDnOdyNq-NKI5CqdSrk',
                           'l': 'This rule enforces the confidentiality of '
                                'data referenced by this ACDC. Unauthorized '
                                'sharing, disclosure, or use of this data is '
                                'strictly prohibited and must adhere to the '
                                'terms defined within this ACDC.'}}}

5.: recursive_saidify


The recursive_saidify function recursively processes a nested dictionary (or SAD - Self-Addressing Data), replacing specific fields (indicated by the label parameter) with their calculated SAIDs (Self-Addressing Identifiers). It also handles special aggregate fields, labeled as "A", by collapsing them into a single hash value. This ensures that child structures are fully processed before calculating the SAIDs of their parent structures.

This function guarantees that the final compact form of the SAD is consistent and all SAIDs match their calculated values.

Key Features:

  1. Recursive Replacement:

    • Replaces all occurrences of a specified label (e.g., 'd') with their calculated SAID.
  2. Aggregate Field Collapsing:

    • Special fields labeled "A" (lists of SAIDS) are collapsed into a single concatenated SAID.
    • Ensures that the aggregated field is resolved before calculating parent SAIDs.
  3. Validation:

    • Reports mismatches between provided SAIDs and recalculated SAIDs.
    • Tracks the validity of the entire structure.
  4. Path Tracking:

    • Tracks the paths (as tuples) to every SAID and SAD encountered.
  5. Compact Form:

    • Generates the most compact form of the SAD by collapsing and replacing all redundant or unnecessary structures.


  • sad (dict): The input dictionary (SAD) to process.
  • label (str): The target field to identify and replace with calculated SAIDs (e.g., 'd').
  • debug (bool, optional): Enables detailed debug output for troubleshooting (default: False).


The function returns a dictionary containing the following keys:

Key Type Description
saids dict A dictionary mapping paths (as tuples) to their corresponding SAID strings.
sads dict A dictionary mapping paths (as tuples) to their fully compacted SADs.
report dict A dictionary reporting SAID validation results with entries like: (valid: bool, calculated, original).
paths list of tuples A list of paths where SAIDs or SADs were processed in the structure.
valid bool True if all provided SAIDs match their recalculated values, False otherwise.
compact dict The most compact version of the input SAD, with all fields resolved and collapsed.


agg_expanded = { 'v': 'ACDCCAAJSONAAWR.',
  'd': 'EP4hAnTIAUtIJXtzHm6HaG5NuZO4JsYhVJtDRQr_Eef3',
  'u': '0AHcgNghkDaG7OY1wjaDAE0q',
  'i': 'EAqjsKFk66jpf3uFv7An2EDIPMvklXKhmkPreYpZfzBr',
  'rd': 'EMwsxUelUauaXtMxTfPAMPAI6FkekwlOjkggtymRy7x',
  's': 'EAXRZOkogZ2A46jrVPTzlSkUPqGGeIZ8a8FWS7a6s4re',
  'A': [ { 'd': 'EAAAAmY9RI140l3CX_6EK6aDl5lXns6TM65Ho00pM4nm',
           'u': '0AqHcgNghkDaG7OY1wjaDAE0',
           'i': 'did:keri:EpZfFk66jpf3uFv7vklXKhzBrAqjsKAn2EDIPmkPreYA'},
         { 'd': 'EAAAA0eeyvz_kBgKuWl60Rh7rHXJiiXE9mUw7qtolLgTL',
           'u': '0AG7OY1wjaDAE0qHcgNghkDa',
           'class': 'Chemistry',
           'quarter': '2022-1',
           'pass': True,
           'score': { 'd': 'EAAAq0uF37SWzr_ng93XdcOpeKIsHUjyWOqEF7GIZ8C',
                      'u': '0AtzfJAh4ZY_aOEMjfquKB3H',
                      'value': '83.4'}},
         { 'd': 'EALtrm1Lhoa4PJcpmvwxpXzrE04GGRxsXWlK8EVTs3jF',
           'u': '0AghkDaG7OY1wjaDAE0qHcgN',
           'name': 'Jane Doe'}],
  'r': { 'd': 'EAAAlk7bgI3eJXzmI1xdmB9heCCfOhkQKx8DI5LRM4V9',
         'Correlation': { 'd': 'EAAASkOjCqSXnwEx3ywRMhQEk1t8YbIfZRU3LykvxOZc',
                          'u': '0AAxNda_GP6MeB_hDrQ-03RD',
                          'l': 'Correlation of data referenced by this ACDC '
                               'with other data or datasets disconnected from '
                               'the ACDC is prohibited. Such correlation is '
                               'only permitted with explicit authorization as '
                               'defined by this ACDC.'},
         'Confidential': { 'd': 'EAAA6SLAZmnRk8kBCyu4-oUBSaWMeoZ-6tVmwY8m21oM',
                           'u': '0AXqUyDnOdyNq-NKI5CqdSrk',
                           'l': 'This rule enforces the confidentiality of '
                                'data referenced by this ACDC. Unauthorized '
                                'sharing, disclosure, or use of this data is '
                                'strictly prohibited and must adhere to the '
                                'terms defined within this ACDC.'}}

saidified = saidify.recursive_saidify(agg_expanded, 'd', debug=False)


# note the path ('A', '...') 
# '...' to represent expanded A ( list of SAIDS )
[('A', 0, 'd'),
 ('A', 1, 'score', 'd'),
 ('A', 1, 'd'),
 ('A', 2, 'd'),
 ('r', 'Correlation', 'd'),
 ('r', 'Confidential', 'd'),
 ('r', 'd'),
 ('A', '...'),

 'd': 'EIa4er5PeTSwU9TA-vPWFaWG_bKmmkM4Lk5gC30n8HwT',
 'u': '0AHcgNghkDaG7OY1wjaDAE0q',
 'i': 'EAqjsKFk66jpf3uFv7An2EDIPMvklXKhmkPreYpZfzBr',
 'rd': 'EMwsxUelUauaXtMxTfPAMPAI6FkekwlOjkggtymRy7x',
 's': 'EAXRZOkogZ2A46jrVPTzlSkUPqGGeIZ8a8FWS7a6s4re',
 'A': 'EEV8mW9PnLlgsjMGHovFdm4uJ_I7-EJG7kXaSruLCCA5',
 'r': 'EBGElk7bgI3eJXzmI1xdmB9heCCfOhkQKx8DI5LRM4V9'}


attempt to understand said as specified in KERI and related specs






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