Phoenix is a library that helps with simple configuration and credential management for Component-based systems, based on (and hopefully superceding) Nomad and Frodo.
If you’ve written a traditional Component-based system, you’ve probably experienced having to create a plethora of ‘system.clj’, ‘dev.clj’, ‘user.clj’ etc type namespaces in order to wire-up the system, set up configuration-based switches, and duplicate the code to start/stop/reload the system.
Phoenix removes the need for all of this, replacing it with one (or more, if you choose) EDN declaration of how your system should be wired up.
It also (optionally) includes a number of common Components to get you started - a ClojureScript compiler component, as well as components for http-kit and Aleph, amongst others. After that, it composes well with any ‘Lifecycle’ components that you (or anyone else) may have already written.
- Getting Started
- Configuring components
- Building Phoenix-based projects
- Managing your passwords/credentials
- Removing the batteries
- ‘Built-in’ components
Phoenix is architected in a ’batteries included, but removable’ style (credit to Docker, I think, for originally coining that phrase).
As a result, it has two APIs:
- a ’batteries included’ API, in the
namespace, suitable for most use-cases - it’s what I use the vast majority of the time. It does rely on a little bit of global state but, for that cost, you get much simpler/quicker development setup and turn-around times. - a pure, ’batteries removable’ API, in the
namespace, for when you need more composability/flexibility (e.g. test harnesses). Indeed, the ‘batteries included’ API is built on top of this core.
The rest of this section will get you started with the ‘batteries included’ API; further details on the ‘batteries removable’ API are below.
For an ‘all-batteries-included’ project, try either of the ‘phoenix-api’ or the ‘phoenix-webapp’ Leiningen templates:
lein new phoenix-webapp <your-project>
cd <your-project>
lein dev
This will start an nREPL server on port 7888, start a web server on port 3000, and automatically re-compile your ClojureScript files if they change.
When it starts, head to http://localhost:3000 for further instructions.
No worries, I understand :)
First, include Phoenix as a plugin in your ‘project.clj’:
{:plugins [jarohen/phoenix "0.1.1"]}
Next, make a small config file on your classpath - let’s say, in the ‘resources’ directory, at ‘config/myapp-config.edn’:
{:phoenix/nrepl-port 7888}
Then, tell Phoenix where to find your main config file by putting a
key in your ‘project.clj’:
{:phoenix/config "config/myapp-config.edn"}
Now, if you run lein phoenix
, you should see the nREPL server
open. Normally, at this point, Phoenix would also start your system,
as and when you declare one in your config file.
You’ll need to add the Phoenix runtime to your dependencies:
[jarohen/phoenix.runtime "0.1.1"]
Then, from a REPL, run
(require 'phoenix
'[ :as io])
(phoenix/init-phoenix! (io/resource "config-file.edn"))
After that, Phoenix should behave as documented below.
Just as real-life Phoenixes die and are re-born from the ashes, so too does this Phoenix. At your REPL, you have a choice of three Phoenix commands, with fairly self-explanatory behaviour:
;; or, explicitly:
When you reload a Phoenix system (or explicitly stop and start it, in fact), the following steps happen:
- The currently running system is gracefully stopped (if it’s running)
- Any namespaces that have changed on disk are reloaded
- The configuration file is re-read
- The system is re-started
For more details about how the system is reloaded, and how to architect your application accordingly, I’d recommend reading Stuart Sierra’s excellent ‘My Clojure Workflow, Reloaded’ blog.
I use (phoenix/reload!)
so much that I bind it to a single keypress,
as follows:
(defun phoenix-reload ()
(with-current-buffer (cider-current-repl-buffer)
(define-key cider-mode-map (kbd "C-`") 'phoenix-reload)
(define-key clojure-mode-map (kbd "C-`") 'phoenix-reload)
The system we’ve just created doesn’t have any components yet (unless you used the template, of course!) - let’s add some:
Let’s say we’ve written a component that makes a database connection pool:
(There is, in fact, a JDBC Pool Component already written for this!)
(ns myapp.database
(:require [com.stuartsierra.component :as c]))
(defprotocol DatabasePool
(db-conn [_]
"Returns a JDBC connection, suitable for passing to et al"))
;; make-pool! and stop-pool! left as exercises to the reader
(defn make-pool! [opts]
{:a-dummy :pool})
(defn stop-pool! [pool]
(println "Stopping pool!"))
(defrecord PoolComponent []
(start [{:keys [host user pass port database]}]
(println "Starting DB pool...")
(assoc this
::pool (make-pool! {...})))
(stop [{:keys [::pool] :as this}]
(println "Stopping DB pool...")
(dissoc this ::pool))
(db-conn [{:keys [::pool] :as this}]
(defn make-database-pool [{:keys [host user pass port database] :as opts}]
(map->PoolComponent opts))
(I’ll come back to why we’ve created a DatabasePool
protocol later,
when we come to use it)
We can add this as a component of our Phoenix system by creating an entry in the config map:
{:phoenix/nrepl-port 7888
:database {:phoenix/component myapp.database/make-database-pool
:host "db-host"
:port 5432
The :phoenix/component
entry in the :database
map lets Phoenix know that
this is a Component that needs to be started, by calling the provided
function. Phoenix passes the remainder of the :database
map to that
function, so any configuration that the component needs can be stored
Let’s reload the system, and see the component started!
The currently running Phoenix system is always available at
, so you can use this to see what’s been created:
(:database @phoenix/system)
N.B phoenix/system
is intended for debugging/REPL use only -
fundamentally, it’s a global variable, so it’s best not to rely on it
in live code! Phoenix has other, more composable ways of linking
Having created our database pool, we’d now like to use it in the rest of our application.
We do this by registering a :phoenix/dep
in the configuration map:
{:phoenix/nrepl-port 7888
:database {:phoenix/component myapp.database/make-database-pool
:host "db-host"
:port 5432
:my-foo {:phoenix/component>FooComponent
:database :phoenix/dep
The database will then be provided to the Foo component in the
Component’s start
(:require [myapp.database :as db]
[ :as jdbc]
[com.stuartsierra.component :as c]))
(defrecord FooComponent []
(start [{:keys [database]}]
(prn "Here's all our users:"
(jdbc/query (db/db-conn database)
["SELECT * FROM users"])))
(stop [this]
;; ...
Here, we’re using the db-conn
protocol function to get access to the
database connection - while we could access it directly within the
record, it’s probably better to have a layer of indirection between
them. This way, you can test the FooComponent
in isolation by
passing it a mocked out instance of DatabasePool
I haven’t bothered creating a make-foo-component
in this case -
Clojure automatically creates a map->RecordName
function for all
records, which happens to have the same signature. In fact, if you
don’t have to process the config map before passing it to the
Component, I’d recommend you do the same!
We don’t necessarily need to have the same name for the dependent key and the dependency - if we chose instead to call the database component ‘:postgres’, for example, we could alias it in ‘:my-foo’ as follows:
{:phoenix/nrepl-port 7888
:postgres {:phoenix/component myapp.database/make-database-pool
:host "db-host"
:port 5432
:my-foo {:phoenix/component>FooComponent
:database [:phoenix/dep :postgres]
As far as the Foo component is concerned, it can still refer to it’s database dependency under the ‘:database’ key.
Phoenix (like it’s predecessor, Nomad) allows you to specify different configuration, depending on where the system is running. You can switch on:
- Hostname
- Hostname/User
- ‘Environment’ - start Phoenix with either: a ‘PHOENIX_ENV=…’ environment variable, or a ‘-Dphoenix.env=…’ Java system property
Location-specific should be included in the config under various ‘:phoenix/…’ keys, as follows:
{:database {:host ""
:port 5432
:user "devapp"
:pass "..."}
:phoenix/hosts {"daves-laptop"
{:database {:host "localhost"
:port 13152
:user "dave"
:pass "..."}}
{:database {...}
:phoenix/users {"user-a" {:database {...}}
"user-b" {...}}}}
:phoenix/environments {"stg"
{:database {:host ""
{:database {:host ""
Configuration from the various locations is deep-merged - i.e. if you only specify the database username/password in a particular environment, then the username/password will be overridden in that environment, but the host will fall back to the main declaration.
The order of preference (in decreasing order) is: environment, host+user, host, general.
You can also override the ‘current location’ - e.g. to test the configuration values of other environments. When the system’s stopped:
(phoenix/set-location! {:environment "stg"
:hostname "dev-machine"
:user "james"})
You can include/exclude entries from that location map, as required.
You can also pass the location map as an argument to ‘reload’:
(phoenix/reload! {:environment "stg"})
You might have some configuration values that you don’t want to check into version control - passwords, or API keys, for example.
You can add a :phoenix/includes
key into your configuration, which
is expected to be a vector of external files. Phoenix provides two
reader macros for this: #phoenix/file
and #phoenix/resource
, which
can be used as follows:
;; myapp-config.edn
{:phoenix/includes [#phoenix/file "~/.myapp/passwords.edn"]
:database {:host "..."
:user "..."
;; ~/.myapp/passwords.edn
{:database {:pass "..."}
The configuration in included files is deep-merged into the main map, with the included value taking preference if both specify the same key.
Includes can also be specified in the environment, host or user maps - for files that should only be included in a given location.
(You can use these reader macros throughout the rest of your config as well!)
Configuration keys can also reference environment variables, using
either [:phoenix/env-var :env-var-name]
[:phoenix/edn-env-var :env-var-name]
. Environment variable names are
automatically converted to ‘UPPER_SNAKE_CASE’. The difference between
and :phoenix/env-edn
is that environment variables referenced with
are parsed as EDN before being passed to your application.
To provide a default, in case the environment variable isn’t
specified, include it with the vector: [:phoenix/env-var :my-env-var "default"]
{:my-component {:port 3000
:username [:phoenix/env-var :myapp-user "admin"]
:password [:phoenix/env-var :myapp-password "password-123"]}}
MYAPP_USER=another-user MYAPP_PASSWORD=pr0dp455w0rd lein phoenix
Configuration can refer to JVM properties in the same way as
environment variables, using either
, both of which take defaults
as an optional third element in the vector.
You can then either supply the JVM properties in your Lein
configuration, under the :jvm-opts
key (which can itself be within a
Lein profile), or by supplying it as an option to java
, e.g.:
java -jar thingy.jar command-line-args...
You can build Phoenix-based projects by running:
lein phoenix uberjar
This creates an executable JAR file, which can then be run with:
# Replace this with the actual path to the uberjar
java -jar target/myapp-standalone.jar
Phoenix can manage your passwords/credentials in the same source repository as the rest of your configuration, but without checking plain-text credentials into version control.
It does this through encrypting the credentials using 256-bit AES, with the keys stored in a separate configuration file.
- Generate your first key:
(phoenix.secret/generate-key) ;; for example: ;; => "b14127be18a2408ed7037c98e7a3a6783651881539d1b8df4ebbc27ab335caf2"
- Create a keys file outside of version control (either outside the
VCS root, or ‘ignored’ by your VCS), under the
key, as follows:;; ~/.my-phoenix-keys.edn {:phoenix/secret-keys {:my-first-key "b14127be18a2408ed7037c98e7a3a6783651881539d1b8df4ebbc27ab335caf2"}}
is our Key ID. Share this with other developers, and place it on production machines, as necessary. You can also encrypt production credentials with a different key, if need be. - Include that file in our checked-in configuration:
{:phoenix/includes [#phoenix/file "~/.my-phoenix-keys.edn", ...] ...}
- Encrypt your first password:
(phoenix.secret/encrypt "password-123" ; plain-text "b14127be18a2408ed7037c98e7a3a6783651881539d1b8df4ebbc27ab335caf2") ; key ;; => "6a1623eeda59772a6e948b2b7e17fdcf28cec8398243a2307b781819fb360bd1" ;; although will be different when you run it, even if you run this example
Optionally, you can decrypt it again with:
(phoenix.secret/decrypt "6a1623eeda59772a6e948b2b7e17fdcf28cec8398243a2307b781819fb360bd1" ; cypher-text "b14127be18a2408ed7037c98e7a3a6783651881539d1b8df4ebbc27ab335caf2") ; key ;; => "password-123"
You can encrypt any EDN data structure using
(phoenix.secret/encrypt ...)
, not just strings:(let [sample-key (phoenix.secret/generate-key)] (-> {:a 1, :b 2} (phoenix.secret/encrypt sample-key) (phoenix.secret/decrypt sample-key))) ;; => {:a 1, :b 2}
- Include that in your main configuration file
You’ll need to let Phoenix know: a) that it’s encrypted; and b) what key it was encrypted with, which you can do as follows:
{:db {:phoenix/component ... :user "my-user" :password [:phoenix/secret :my-first-key "6a1623eeda59772a6e948b2b7e17fdcf28cec8398243a2307b781819fb360bd1"]}}
- Retrieve the credential as you would any other Phoenix
configuration value - it’s decrypted automatically:
(defrecord DBComponent [] c/Lifecycle (start [{:keys [user password]}] ;; Would advise against _actually_ doing this, of course... ;; => "My database password is: password-123" (println "My database password is:" password)) (stop [_] ...)) (get-in @phoenix/system [:db :password]) ;; => "password-123"
This part of the codebase has not been security audited as yet (as far as I know!), and so, as such, I’d advise against its use in critical systems. If you can help by casting more pairs of eyes over this (it’s only about 70LoC, based atop Buddy), I’d be very grateful!
The ‘batteries included’ Phoenix API simply calls through to the ‘batteries removed’ API in order to start a system. It does this in 5 stages:
- Load config files + handle
:(phoenix.core/load-config {:config-source (io/resource "...") ; or (io/file "...") :location {:environment "live"}})
(optional key), you can load the configuration for a different location (i.e. changing the:environment
). - The result is analyzed to determine the component dependency order,
and aliases:
(phoenix.core/analyze-config loaded-config)
- The analyzed config is turned into a
:(phoenix.core/make-system analyzed-config {:targets targets})
If you do not want the whole system started (e.g. for testing a sub-system), specify the component keys that you
want started astargets
, otherwise, feel free to omit the second parameter entirely. - The system is started:
(com.stuartsierra.component/start-system system)
- Later, the system is stopped with
(com.stuartsierra.component/stop-system started-system)
There’s nothing to stop you doing this, as well!
If you need the flexibility/composability, you can adapt any one of these steps to suit your needs. e.g.:
- Replace the
step to pass a config map directly (without reading it from a file) - Pass a different location to step 1, to see what configuration would be present under a different environment
- Just run step 1 to see what configuration values Phoenix is using (e.g. to test out the location switching)
- Update the configuration map between steps 1 & 2, or 2 & 3, in order to temporarily override a configuration value
- And many more…
You can also use the phoenix.core/with-running-system
macro to set
up and tear down a system, for testing purposes:
(require '[phoenix.core :as pc])
(pc/with-running-system [{:keys [component-under-test]} (-> (pc/load-config {:config-resource (io/resource "app-config.edn")})
(pc/make-system {:targets [:component-under-test]}))]
;; test 'component-under-test' - it (and all of its dependencies) will be started before, and stopped after, this block
(is (= ...)))
Phoenix has a number of optional ‘built-in’ components, each with their own documentation:
- ClojureScript
- Aleph (web server)
- http-kit (web-server)
- JDBC Connection Pool
Yes please! Feel free to get in touch, either through GitHub, Twitter (@jarohen) or e-mail (on my profile).
Copyright © 2015 James Henderson
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.