Hi There! This Face Recognition App enables user to detect faces in pictures.
For a quick preview of the app, click the link below:
Features and user guideline:
- Open the app and first you'll be greeted by a Sign Up page.
- Already registered? Insert your Email and Password you used during the registration.
- If you don't have an account yet, look at the top right page and you'll see a clickable Register text, press it.
- Insert your Name, Email, and Password then click the Register button at the bottom.
- Either you SignedIn or Registered, you'll be directed to a home page.
- The home page consists of a Logo, Sign Out Button, Entry count value, and a link box.
- Search for any picture link on the internet that has a face. Note: the link must be a page consisting only a picture, example: https://media.suara.com/pictures/653x366/2019/03/03/83829-sylvester-stallone-memerankan-rambo-instagram.jpg
- Copy the link to your clipboard and paste it on the box.
- Once pasted, click the Detect Button.
- You should now see your picture at the bottom.
- And using magic provided by the API, a box will appear around the face indicating the face detection.
- You can now signout or shutdown your machine and return back to the app by signing in with your account and your entry count will be saved.
- ReactJS as framework
- Clarifai API for the face detection
- NodeJS for Back-end
- ExpressJS for Server Framework
- PostgreSQL as Database
To clone this app:
- Run git clone on your terminal with the repo link.
git clone <my repo>
- In the project directory, do
npm install
- To run the app, do
npm start
You can also countribute or give feedback on this project.
Reach me on discord:
God Bless You! π