Some Matlab tools for path planning on a 3D grid map, including 3D A star, 3D Theta star and 3D Lazy Theta star
Main_3D.m: main file for defining the map and the path properties, to call the grid and path generation functions and to plot the results
Grid_3D_safe_zone.m: randomly generates a 3D cluttered environment (obstacles connected to the groud), which is represented both as a 2D matrix and as 3D occupancy map. For both maps, a safety buffer zone is created around and above obstacles
a_star_3D.m: 3D A* path planning algorithm
theta_star_3D.m: 3D Theta* path planning algorithm
lazy_theta_star_3D.m: 3D Lazy Theta* path planning algorithm
line_sight_partial_3D.m: line of sight algorithm for Theta* and Lazy Theta*, it includes the check of the crossing within a safety buffer zone
This code was used in the paper:
D. Sartori, D. Zou, W. Yu, An efficient approach to near-optimal 3D trajectory design in cluttered environments for multirotor UAVs, 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Vancouver, August 2019
Available at:
author={D. {Sartori} and D. {Zou} and W. {Yu}},
booktitle={2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)},
title={An efficient approach to near-optimal 3D trajectory design in cluttered environments for multirotor UAVs},