Ecoacústica e Inteligência Artificial Aplicados à Pesquisa em Ecossistemas Sul-Americanos (Observatório ECO)
Forest Watch research project aims to collect images and sound data from Brazilian forests with remote sensing technology, Amazon and Mata Atlântica, to analyze and monitor biodiversity, risks, and threads such as fire, shots, and illegal activities such as logging, and poaching.
- Prototype data collection device
- Off-grid (solar panel power source and/or batteries)
- Repurposed used smartphones
- RaspberryPi and related computersEcoacústica e Inteligência Artificial Aplicados à Pesquisa em Ecossistemas Sul-Americanos (Observatório ECO)
- Use market-ready devices (form factor) -
- Lightweight case
- Ping device on top of trees
- Send data by 4G/5G (When available)
- Send data by satellite connection (When available)
- Stream data (When possible)
- Store data at a local SSD/Memory (offline data sample)
- Mobile app to get sensors info
- Low-cost hardware
- Store sound, image, and sensor data
- Annalise sound, image, and sensor data in the cloud
- Report
- Mobile app
- Papers/Articles
- Graphics/Dashboard
- Online real-time data access
Researchers (Multidisciplinary team):
Dra. Lilian Sander Hoffmann - Programa Arquipélago/Postgraduate Program in Genetics and Molecular Biology (PPGBM) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
- 7th World Conference on Qualitative Research - WCQR2023 (282): Sounds of Amazon »
- Conferência Brasileira de Tecnologia Wolfram 2022 - Mackenzie - 5/11/2022: Ecoacoustics and Artificial Intelligence Applied to Research in South American Ecosystems »
- XVII Jornada Científica CEDSA (Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinar em Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Amazônia) - UNIR - 14/10/2022: SONS DA AMAZÔNIA
Mata Atlântica - 200,205.3 km2
Amazonia - 7,000,000 km2
Reserva da Juréia - 843,8 km2
Project inspired by:
- The Voices of Nature: How and Why Animals Communicate, Nicolas Mathevon, 2023.
- The Great Animal Orchestra: Finding the Origins of Music in the World's Wild Places by Bernie Krause, Little Brown, 2012.
- Methods in Ecoacoustics: The Acoustic Complexity Indices by Almo Farina, Peng Li, Springer, 2021.
- Exploring Animal Behavior Through Sound: Volume 1 by Christine Erbe, Jeanette A. Thomas, Springer, 2021.
- Ecoacoustics: The Ecological Role of Sounds by Almo Farina, Stuart H. Gage, Wiley, 2017.
- Introduction to Machine Learning by Etienne Bernard, Wolfram Media, 2022.
- Beginning Mathematica and Wolfram for Data Science: Applications in Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Neural Networks by Jalil Villalobos Alva, Apress, 2021.
- Mathematica Data Analysis by Sergiy Suchok, Packt, 2015.
- Mathematica for Bioinformatics: A Wolfram Language Approach by George Mias, Springer, 2018.
- Mathematical Models in the Biosciences I by Michael Frame, Yale University Press, 2021.
- Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning and Data Science in the 21st Century by Victor Servings, Self Publisher, 2019.
- Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems by Lathi, B. P., Oxford, 1998.
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