The scope of this project is limited to the presence or absence of hate speech on Amharic language Twitter posts. In this context, the term 'hate speech' refers to abusive or threatening statements or phrases that describe prejudice against a particular group in Ethiopia.
- Elefelious Getachew (Ph.D.)
- Surafel Kindu - ATR/9237/10 - Section-1
- Samia Abdella - ATR/3142/10 - Section-1
- Daniel Tefera - ATR/1145/10 - Section-1
- Eyob Maru - ATR/0121/10 - Section-1
- Ahlam Muhdin - ATR/2923/10 - Section-3
The Backend has provides the API Server which is developed using Django and postgresql. The final work is also deployed on heroku.
To run this project on, start by cloning the ASA Backend API Server Repository
The backend server is developed using Django framework and postgresql as a tool. Before running this project make sure the following requirements are met on the machine:
Download and install Python: Python 3
Install and prepare the pip and pip virtual environment. pip environment
Download and install Django framework: Django Framework
Download and Install Postgres: Postgresql
After installing the above requirements make the following adjustments to the cloned sourced code:
Navigate to Amharic_Sentiment_Analysis/ and move to the DATABASES section and fill the requirement of the postgresql database info accordingly.
run django in pip environment
Migrate all the database models to the database using the following command
python migrate
python makemigrations
- Run the django server using the following command
python runserver
The runserver command will launch the django server on
The project Amharic Sentiment Analysis - Hate Speech Detection Using Machine Learning as API server for the web application.
- 2022. Django documentation | Django documentation | Django. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 June 2022].
- 2022. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 June 2022].
- 2022. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 June 2022].
- 2022. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 June 2022].