Exports to CSV and updates from CSV firewall rules.
Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Daniznf
This module exposes 2 commands:
- Export-FWRules: exports firewall rules to CSV or to shell
- Update-FWRules: updates firewall rules with values of CSV file.
Parses firewall rules finding properties like program, addresses, ports, etc., and exports them to a CSV file
that can be used to update firewall using the command Update-FWRules (see below), or just prints them in shell.
You can freely edit this CSV, editing, removing, or adding rules.
Any field that contains the ignore tag will be ignored. This tag is written in the first line of CSV file.
The update script can be run often (e.g.: at boot), to avoid unwanted rules from being applied, edited,
or removed by other softwares when you didn't want to.
A CSV must be passed to the script to let it know what rules must be enabled, disabled or updated.
That CSV may be exported by using the above mentioned Export-FWRules.
Rules existing only in CSV files will be added (and enabled).
Rules existing only in firewall will be disabled (never deleted).
Rules existing in both CSV and firewall will be updated as per CSV file
(when using FastMode they will only be enabled, disabled or added).
Get-Help Export-FWRules
Get-Help Update-FWRules
This module requires administrator privileges.
Run DTInstallModule.ps1 in DTFirewallManagement directory (https://github.com/daniznf/DTInstallModule), or copy module directory into one of directories in $env:PSModulePath.
Delete DTFirewallManagement directory from the one you chose in $env:PSModulePath.