% git clone https://github.com/dann/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
% cd ~/.dotfiles
% ./dotsetup.sh
% cd ~/.dotfiles/setup
% ./setup_app_for_mac.sh
% cd ~/.dotfiles/dotfiles/setup
% ./setup_perl.sh
% ./setup/setup_perl_modules.sh
% perl `which minicpan` -r http://cpan.yahoo.com/ -l ~/share/minicpan
Create ~/.zshr-after or ~/.zshrc-before
These are hook files for .zshrc. You can customize zsh with these configs.
Create ~/.vimrc-after or ~/.vimrc-before
glob history search <C-r>
ex) C-r v*m
Select a buffer efb
Select files eff
Cache tags for completion with neocomplecache nct
perltidy ,pt
quickrun \r
Grep buffer ,gb
Show tag ,tl
Show man K
Share session with other users. screen -x username/
You can share a your screen session with users in .dev_users file.
Select a region
<C-a> tab j
<C-a> tab k
<C-a> tab h
<C-a> tab h
Select region
<C-a> w j
<C-a> w k
<C-a> w h
<C-a> w l
Split window
Vsplit <C-a> w v
split <C-a> w s
close tag ,/
expand tag with zencoding <c-y>,
dann (techmemo at gmail dot com)
Apache License