Contributors: schneyra, dominik.schwind
Tags: christmas, december, advent calendar, adventskalender, julekalender, julkalender
Requires PHP: 5.4
Requires at least: 4
Tested up to: 5.5.3
Stable tag: 1.3.2
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Enables advent calendars on your WordPress blog.
With this plugin you can create a advent calendar on your WP site.
It is using shortcodes, so it is possible to add the calendar to a regular post, a page or any other post type.
Multiple calendars and calendar years are supported.
We have a public git repository at and we're happy to answer to questions here and there. Pull requests are obviously also very welcome.
We're now loading all theme CSS files and add a few more classes to style the calendar.
We're now loading all theme CSS files and add a few more classes to style the calendar.
Fixed some smaller CSS issues.
Changed the lightbox script to glightbox The plugin uses your theme CSS to style the entries now
Fixed a bug where calendar sheets appear erroneously in search results.
Tested with WP 4.7.
Changed some code around to make it easier to translate this plugin. If you want to help doing that for your language, get in touch with us!
The plugin is now ready for WordPress 4.4. And once your WordPress is updated, you'll be able to shuffle the calendars to make them a little bit more exciting.
Apparently there were two bugs that made it look like sheets were "lost." This update should fix the second bug, too.
Cleaned up the interface.
There was a bug in an older version of this plugin that prevented some sheets from being attached to a calendar. We fixed that bug and added a way to attach these "lost" sheets to a calendar.
Renamed to WP Advent
- Switched to a lightbox script with a compatible license.
- Initial version
Either install this plugin from within the WordPress administration screen or do it the old-fashioned way: download it, unzip it into the plugins