Here are some cocos2dx extensions I wrote/modified during the development of my recent projects
###Keyboard & Mouse Events on Destop Platforms(Mac OS X and Windows)
* CCInputEvent: Represents keyboard / mouse / joystick(not completed) events
* CCInputDispatcher: Singleton that works with platform implementations to dispatch input events(modified platform sources required, see platform folder, cocos2dx-mac from http://www.cocos2d-x.org/boards/6/topics/10352)
* CCInputListener: Input event listener, inherit from this class and add self to CCInputDispatcher to receive input events
###Mutable CCTexture2D and CCRenderTexture
* CCTexture2DMutable: Created by Lam Hoang Pham, improved by Manuel Martinez-Almeida and slightly modified by me for some extensions and work with CCRenderTextureMutable
* CCRenderTextureMutable: A CCRenderTexture that uses CCTexture2DMutable to render, so you can modifie the rendered texture(for posteffects etc)
###Gesture Recognizers for iOS
* CCGestureRecognizer: Singleton that manages UIGestureRecognizers
* CCGestureLister: Gesture event listener, inherit from this class and add self to CCGestureRecognizer to receive gesture events
Note: To support Gesture Recognizers, you need to add
window.rootViewController = viewController
in your AppController.mm manually
Also if you are using ARC on iOS 5.x, you need to add -fno-objc-arc option to CCGestureRecognizer.mm in your build phases.
* CCMenuItemProgressTimer: CCMenuItem with a progress timer mask. Useful for skill button with cooldown etc.