This project is ****
$ git clone
And, edit app/configs/development/db.php for your environment.
$ cd porn
$ php oil r migrate
$ php oil r init
Then, you can get awesome account.
Goto http://localhost(:port)/admin
and click 'Site' in navbar.
- url: porn site url
- patterns: set up as follows. using Regex.
\<li\>\<a href="(.+?)"\>\<img src=".+?"\>\<\/a\>\<\/li\>@@@@(http\:\/\/.*?\.zip)
@@@@ mean delimiter. for nest searching.
$ cd porn
$ php oil r get:show {site_alias} (example: php oil r get:show myfavoritepornsite)
myfavoritepornsite 120 file(s)
http://user:[email protected]/files/
http://user:[email protected]/files/
$ cd {the path to save}
$ php {the path where porn application was saved}/oil r get {site_alias} (example: php oil r get myfavoritepornsite)
myfavoritepornsite 120 file(s)
Downloading myfavoritepornsite/ (1/120) (1/120)