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A discriminated union source generator for C#.

Discriminated unions represent values that can be one of a number of cases. Each case has a unique name and can store values of different types, as opposed to the standard enum type, that can only be of an integral numeric type.


dotnet add package Dartk.CSharp.DiscriminatedUnions --version 0.1.0

Generated code does not depend on the package at runtime. Therefore, it is safe to set the option PrivateAssets="all" to avoid propagating the dependency on the package:

    <PackageReference Include="Dartk.CSharp.DiscriminatedUnions" Version="0.1.0" PrivateAssets="all" />

Declaring a Discriminated Union

Discriminated unions are declared as partial types with a [DiscriminatedUnion] attribute. struct, class and record types are supported.

Cases are defined as a static partial methods for which the following is true:

  • Return type is the union type itself.
  • Method has a [Case] attribute.
public partial class Shape
    [Case] public static partial Shape Dot();
    [Case] public static partial Shape Circle(double radius);
    [Case] public static partial Shape Rectangle(double width, double length);

The code above declares a discriminated union Shape with three cases:

  1. Dot doesn't have any data
  2. Circle has radius
  3. Rectangle has width and length

Creating instances

To create an instance of the discriminated union one of the case defining methods are used:

var dot = Shape.Dot();
var circle = Shape.Circle(5.0);
var rectangle = Shape.Rectangle(2.0, 4.0);

The generator creates bodies for the case methods that call a generated private constructor.

Case matching

Switch methods

Exhaustive case matching can be performed using Switch methods:

double Area(Shape shape) => shape.Switch(
    Dot: () => 0.0,
    Circle: radius => Math.PI * radius * radius,
    Rectangle: (width, length) => width * length
bool IsCircle(Shape shape) => shape.Switch(
    Circle: _ => true,
    Default: _ => false

There are four overloads of Switch: two that return a value and another two that return void. In each pair, one method requires a handler function for every possible case and the other requires a default handler, while all the other handlers are optional.

Generated Switch methods
// Returns value
partial class Shape
    public TResult Switch<TResult>(
        Func<TResult> Dot,
        Func<double, TResult> Circle,
        Func<double, double, TResult> Rectangle);

    public TResult Switch<TResult>(
        Func<Shape, TResult> Default,
        Func<TResult>? Dot = null,
        Func<double, TResult>? Circle = null,
        Func<double, double, TResult>? Rectangle = null);
// Returns void
partial class Shape
    public void Switch(
        Action Dot,
        Action<double> Circle,
        Action<double, double> Rectangle);

    public void Switch(
        Action<Shape> Default,
        Action? Dot = null,
        Action<double>? Circle = null,
        Action<double, double>? Rectangle = null);

These overloads of Switch achieve exhaustive case matching, meaning that you will either have to provide handlers for all of the possible cases or provide a default handler. And if you add another case to the union later on, then all the invocations that don't provide a default handler will give an error on compilation.

switch statement or expression

Case matching can also be done using the standard switch statement or expression:

double Area(Shape shape)
    switch (shape.Case)
        case Shape.Enum.Dot:
            return 0.0;
        case Shape.Enum.Circle:
            var radius = shape.GetCircle();
            return Math.PI * radius;
        case Shape.Enum.Rectangle:
            var (width, length) = shape.GetRectangle();
            return width * length;
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

Generated code

To save the generated code into a file during the build process, set the project properties EmitCompilerGeneratedFiles and CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath in the .csproj file:

    <!--Files will be saved in 'obj\GeneratedFiles\'-->
    <CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath>$(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)\GeneratedFiles </CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath>
Full generated code
#nullable enable

public partial class Shape {

    public enum Enum {
    private Shape(Enum Case, double Circle_radius = default!, double Rectangle_width = default!, double Rectangle_length = default!) {
        this.Case = Case;
        this.Circle_radius = Circle_radius;
        this.Rectangle_width = Rectangle_width;
        this.Rectangle_length = Rectangle_length;
    public Enum Case { get; }
    private readonly double Circle_radius;
    private readonly double Rectangle_width;
    private readonly double Rectangle_length;
    public static partial Shape Dot() {
        return new Shape(Case: Enum.Dot);
    public bool IsDot => this.Case == Enum.Dot;
    public static partial Shape Circle(double radius) {
        return new Shape(Circle_radius: radius, Case: Enum.Circle);
    public bool IsCircle => this.Case == Enum.Circle;
    public bool TryGetCircle(out double radius) {
        radius = this.Circle_radius;
        return this.IsCircle;
    public double GetCircle() {
        if (!this.IsCircle) {
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot get 'Circle' for '{this.Case}'.");
        return this.Circle_radius;
    public static partial Shape Rectangle(double width, double length) {
        return new Shape(Rectangle_width: width, Rectangle_length: length, Case: Enum.Rectangle);
    public bool IsRectangle => this.Case == Enum.Rectangle;
    public bool TryGetRectangle(out double width, out double length) {
        width = this.Rectangle_width;
        length = this.Rectangle_length;
        return this.IsRectangle;
    public (double width, double length) GetRectangle() {
        if (!this.IsRectangle) {
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot get 'Rectangle' for '{this.Case}'.");
        return (this.Rectangle_width, this.Rectangle_length);

    public TResult Switch<TResult>(Func<TResult> Dot, Func<double, TResult> Circle, Func<double, double, TResult> Rectangle) {
        switch (this.Case) {
            case Enum.Dot: return Dot();
            case Enum.Circle: return Circle(this.Circle_radius);
            case Enum.Rectangle: return Rectangle(this.Rectangle_width, this.Rectangle_length);
            default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Invalid union case '{this.Case}'");

    public TResult Switch<TResult>(Func<Shape, TResult> Default, Func<TResult>? Dot = null, Func<double, TResult>? Circle = null, Func<double, double, TResult>? Rectangle = null) {
        switch (this.Case) {
            case Enum.Dot: return Dot != null ? Dot() : Default(this);
            case Enum.Circle: return Circle != null ? Circle(this.Circle_radius) : Default(this);
            case Enum.Rectangle: return Rectangle != null ? Rectangle(this.Rectangle_width, this.Rectangle_length) : Default(this);
            default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Invalid union case '{this.Case}'");

    public void Switch(Action Dot, Action<double> Circle, Action<double, double> Rectangle) {
        switch (this.Case) {
            case Enum.Dot: Dot(); break;
            case Enum.Circle: Circle(this.Circle_radius); break;
            case Enum.Rectangle: Rectangle(this.Rectangle_width, this.Rectangle_length); break;
            default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Invalid union case '{this.Case}'");

    public void Switch(Action<Shape> Default, Action? Dot = null, Action<double>? Circle = null, Action<double, double>? Rectangle = null) {
        switch (this.Case) {
            case Enum.Dot: if (Dot != null) { Dot(); } else { Default(this); } break;
            case Enum.Circle: if (Circle != null) { Circle(this.Circle_radius); } else { Default(this); } break;
            case Enum.Rectangle: if (Rectangle != null) { Rectangle(this.Rectangle_width, this.Rectangle_length); } else { Default(this); } break;
            default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Invalid union case '{this.Case}'");
    public override string ToString() {
        switch (this.Case) {
            case Enum.Dot: return $"Dot()";
            case Enum.Circle: return $"Circle({this.Circle_radius})";
            case Enum.Rectangle: return $"Rectangle({this.Rectangle_width}, {this.Rectangle_length})";
            default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Invalid union case '{this.Case}'");

More examples