This repository contains demonstrations of the highcharter
package for R.
is a wrapper for the Highcharts JavaScript library.
The demos are Quarto documents showcasing charts created with various methods:
. This function creates a Highchart chart using htmlwidgets. The accessibility module can be added as a dependency with this chart.hcmap()
. This creates a map from Highmaps - Map Collection.highchart(type = "stock")
. This function creates a Highchart stock chart using htmlwidgets.
Each demo shows a data visualization using one of the methods above. The general pattern is to:
Load the necessary R packages.
Build, import, or read data.
Set accessibility options using options() for the chart.
Set the Highcharts version 11 color palette.
Visualize the chart.
The demos are organized in Quarto Documents.
The repository is organized into folders for each of the Highcharts libraries:
contains demos of the Highcharts Core libraryhighcharts-maps
contains demos of the Highcharts Maps libraryhighcharts-stock
contains demos of the Highcharts Stock libraryhighcharts-gantt
contains demos of the Highcharts Gantt library
In each folder, there are sub-folders grouping demos by category. For example:
folder contains Quarto Documents that demonstrate line chart functionality.highcharts-core/line-charts/data-raw
folder contains R scripts for downloading data files.highcharts-core/line-charts/data
folder contains downloaded data files.
The Boost module is an advanced chart feature for rendering large amounts of data points and series:
folder contains demos of the Boost module with R scripts.
To use the demos locally, you can follow these steps:
- Clone this GitHub repo:
$ git clone
- Open in RStudio:
- File > Open Project.
- Navigate to the directory downloaded above.
- Double-click
to open the project.
In the "Files" tab, you should see a set of Quarto Documents included in the repository, along with data files and R scripts.
To see how highcharter
generates a basic line chart, you can open the Quarto Document at highcharts-core/line-charts/basic-line.qmd
Run the Quarto Document to see the chart.