Datalogic v1.36:
- added Blob Property to Configuration Manager for managing complex data structure.
- added POWER_BATTERY_CHARGING_PROFILE_PERSISTENCE_POLICY property for using the profile of the battery or the device
- added DEVICE_NAME_BASE and DEVICE_NAME_SUFFIX properties to building unique device/host name
- added BLUETOOTH_GROUP PropertyGroup the following Properties to Configuration Manager for supporting the Bluetooth Pairing:
- added KEYBOARD_PTT_GROUP PropertyGroup the following Properties to Configuration Manager for supporting the PTT feature:
- added KEYBOARD_PTT_BYPASS_KEYGUARD_ENABLED property for enabling/disabling PTT button and Push to talk working with device locked (keyguard active)
- added KEYBOARD_PTT_SUPPORTED_WT_APPLICATIONS for listing supported Walkie-Talkie appications can be used with the PTT button
- added TRIGGER_ID_PTT as trigger button to the KeyboardManager
- added TRIG_PTT as wakeup-source button to the WakeupSource
- added configuration for GS1 Digital Link
- added configuration for TLC39
- added DLKeyEvent enum for extending the Android keycodes with Datalogic's custom ones
- added Datalogic custom keycode and intent for triggering the battery swap
- added broadcast intent to notify App with a Profile moved to foreground or background
- added USB_HOST_DATA and USB_CLIENT_DATA properties to separately enable and disable the USB Host and/or Client data transfer