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geocode: add --suggestnow and --reversenow subcommands
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as the names suggest, does the same as the --suggest and --reverse subcommands, but without the need for an input file.  The single location/coordinate is passed on the command line.
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jqnatividad committed Sep 5, 2023
1 parent 5cfe01f commit debb786
Showing 1 changed file with 163 additions and 105 deletions.
268 changes: 163 additions & 105 deletions src/cmd/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,11 +9,13 @@ By default, the prebuilt index uses the Geonames Gazeteer file u
English names. It contains cities with populations > 15,000 (about ~26k cities).
See for more information.
It has three major subcommands:
* suggest - given a City name, return the closest location coordinate by default.
* reverse - given a location coordinate, return the closest City by default.
* index-* - operations to update the local Geonames cities index.
(index-check, index-update, index-load & index-reset)
It has five major subcommands:
* suggest - given a City name, return the closest location coordinate by default.
* suggestnow - same as suggest, but does not require an input file.
* reverse - given a location coordinate, return the closest City by default.
* reversenow - sames as reverse, but does not require an input file.
* index-* - operations to update the local Geonames cities index.
(index-check, index-update, index-load & index-reset)
Suggest a Geonames city based on a partial city name. It returns the closest Geonames
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,6 +54,13 @@ Use dynamic formatting to create a custom format.
$ qsv geocode suggest city -f "{name}, {admin1}, {country} in {timezone}" file.csv
Accepts the same options as suggest, but does not require an input file.
$ qsv geocode suggestnow "New York"
$ qsv geocode suggestnow --country US -f %cityrecord "Paris"
$ qsv geocode suggestnow --admin1 "US:OH" "Athens"
Reverse geocode a WGS 84 coordinate to the nearest Geonames city record.
It accepts "lat, long" or "(lat, long)" format.
Expand All @@ -73,6 +82,13 @@ The same as above, but get the timezone instead of the city and state.
$ qsv geocode reverse LatLong -f %timezone -c tz file.csv -o file_with_tz.csv
Accepts the same options as reverse, but does not require an input file.
$ qsv geocode reversenow "40.71427, -74.00597"
$ qsv geocode reversenow --country US -f %cityrecord "40.71427, -74.00597"
$ qsv geocode reversenow --admin1 "US:OH" "39.32924, -82.10126"
Updates the local Geonames cities index used by the geocode command.
Expand All @@ -98,7 +114,9 @@ For more extensive examples, see
qsv geocode suggest [--formatstr=<string>] [options] <column> [<input>]
qsv geocode suggestnow [options] <location>
qsv geocode reverse [--formatstr=<string>] [options] <column> [<input>]
qsv geocode reversenow [options] <location>
qsv geocode index-load <index-file>
qsv geocode index-check
qsv geocode index-update [--languages=<lang>] [--force]
Expand All @@ -109,6 +127,9 @@ geocode arguments:
<input> The input file to read from. If not specified, reads from stdin.
<column> The column to geocode.
<location> The location to geocode. For suggestnow, its a string pattern.
For reversenow, it must be a WGS 84 coordinate "lat, long" or
"(lat, long)" format.
<index-file> The alternate geonames index file to use. It must be a .bincode file.
Only used by the index-load subcommand.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,6 +262,7 @@ use rayon::{
use regex::Regex;
use serde::Deserialize;
use simple_home_dir::expand_tilde;
use uuid::Uuid;

use crate::{
Expand All @@ -253,8 +275,11 @@ use crate::{
struct Args {
arg_column: String,
arg_location: String,
cmd_suggest: bool,
cmd_suggestnow: bool,
cmd_reverse: bool,
cmd_reversenow: bool,
cmd_index_check: bool,
cmd_index_update: bool,
cmd_index_load: bool,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,7 +341,9 @@ static SUGGEST_ADMIN1_LIMIT: usize = 10;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
enum GeocodeSubCmd {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -356,12 +383,21 @@ pub fn run(argv: &[&str]) -> CliResult<()> {
// main async geocode function that does the actual work
async fn geocode_main(args: Args) -> CliResult<()> {
let mut index_cmd = true;
let mut now_cmd = false;
let geocode_cmd = if args.cmd_suggest {
index_cmd = false;
} else if args.cmd_reverse {
index_cmd = false;
} else if args.cmd_suggestnow {
index_cmd = false;
now_cmd = true;
} else if args.cmd_reversenow {
index_cmd = false;
now_cmd = true;
} else if args.cmd_index_check {
} else if args.cmd_index_update {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -435,7 +471,29 @@ async fn geocode_main(args: Args) -> CliResult<()> {
filter_languages: languages_vec.clone(),

let rconfig = Config::new(&args.arg_input)
// create a TempDir for the one record CSV we're creating if we're doing a Now command
// we're doing this at this scope so the TempDir is automatically dropped after we're done
let tempdir = tempfile::Builder::new()

// we're doing a SuggestNow or ReverseNow, create a one record CSV in tempdir
// with one column named "location" and the passed location value and use it as the input
let input = if now_cmd {
let tempdir_path = tempdir.path().to_string_lossy().to_string();
let temp_csv_path = format!("{}/{}.csv", tempdir_path, Uuid::new_v4());
let temp_csv_path = Path::new(&temp_csv_path);
let mut temp_csv_wtr = csv::WriterBuilder::new().from_path(temp_csv_path)?;
} else {

let rconfig = Config::new(&input)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -562,71 +620,75 @@ async fn geocode_main(args: Args) -> CliResult<()> {

// setup suggest filters
// setup admin1 filter for Suggest/Now
let mut admin1_code_prefix = String::new();
let mut admin1_same_prefix = true;
let mut flag_country = args.flag_country.clone();
let admin1_filter_list = if geocode_cmd == GeocodeSubCmd::Suggest {
// admin1 filter: if all uppercase, search for admin1 code, else, search for admin1 name
// see for valid codes
if let Some(admin1_list) = args.flag_admin1.clone() {
// this regex matches admin1 codes (e.g. US.NY, JP.40, CN.23, HK.NYL, GG.6417214)
let admin1_code_re = Regex::new(r"^[A-Z]{2}.[A-Z0-9]{1,8}$").unwrap();
let admin1_list_work = Some(
.map(|s| {
let temp_s = s.trim();
let is_code_flag = admin1_code_re.is_match(temp_s);
Admin1Filter {
admin1_string: if is_code_flag {
if admin1_same_prefix {
// check if all admin1 codes have the same prefix
if admin1_code_prefix.is_empty() {
// first admin1 code, so set the prefix
admin1_code_prefix = temp_s[0..3].to_string();
} else if admin1_code_prefix != temp_s[0..3] {
// admin1 codes have different prefixes, so we can't
// infer the country from the admin1 code
admin1_same_prefix = false;
let admin1_filter_list = match geocode_cmd {
GeocodeSubCmd::Suggest | GeocodeSubCmd::SuggestNow => {
// admin1 filter: if all uppercase, search for admin1 code, else, search for admin1 name
// see for valid codes
if let Some(admin1_list) = args.flag_admin1.clone() {
// this regex matches admin1 codes (e.g. US.NY, JP.40, CN.23, HK.NYL, GG.6417214)
let admin1_code_re = Regex::new(r"^[A-Z]{2}.[A-Z0-9]{1,8}$").unwrap();
let admin1_list_work = Some(
.map(|s| {
let temp_s = s.trim();
let is_code_flag = admin1_code_re.is_match(temp_s);
Admin1Filter {
admin1_string: if is_code_flag {
if admin1_same_prefix {
// check if all admin1 codes have the same prefix
if admin1_code_prefix.is_empty() {
// first admin1 code, so set the prefix
admin1_code_prefix = temp_s[0..3].to_string();
} else if admin1_code_prefix != temp_s[0..3] {
// admin1 codes have different prefixes, so we can't
// infer the country from the admin1 code
admin1_same_prefix = false;
} else {
// its an admin1 name, lowercase it
// so we can do case-insensitive starts_with() comparisons
is_code: is_code_flag,

// if admin1 is set, country must also be set
// however, if all admin1 codes have the same prefix, we can infer the country from the
// admin1 codes. Otherwise, we can't infer the country from the admin1 code,
// so we error out. Note that country inferencing only works if all admin1 codes have
// the same prefix, so it only works for one country at a time.
if args.flag_admin1.is_some() && flag_country.is_none() {
if !admin1_code_prefix.is_empty() && admin1_same_prefix {
admin1_code_prefix.pop(); // remove the dot
flag_country = Some(admin1_code_prefix);
} else {
return fail_incorrectusage_clierror!(
"If --admin1 is set, --country must also be set."
} else {
// its an admin1 name, lowercase it
// so we can do case-insensitive starts_with() comparisons
is_code: is_code_flag,

// if admin1 is set, country must also be set
// however, if all admin1 codes have the same prefix, we can infer the country from
// the admin1 codes. Otherwise, we can't infer the country from the
// admin1 code, so we error out. Note that country inferencing only
// works if all admin1 codes have the same prefix, so it only works
// for one country at a time.
if args.flag_admin1.is_some() && flag_country.is_none() {
if !admin1_code_prefix.is_empty() && admin1_same_prefix {
admin1_code_prefix.pop(); // remove the dot
flag_country = Some(admin1_code_prefix);
} else {
return fail_incorrectusage_clierror!(
"If --admin1 is set, --country must also be set unless admin1 codes \
are used with a common country prefix (e.g. US.CA,US.NY,US.OH, etc)."
} else {
} else {
} else {
}; // end setup suggest filters
// reverse/now doesn't support admin1 filters
_ => None,
}; // end setup admin1 filters

// country filter
// setup country filter - both suggest/now and reverse/now support country filters
let country_filter_list =|country_list| {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -805,7 +867,7 @@ fn search_cached(
country_filter_list: &Option<Vec<String>>,
admin1_filter_list: &Option<Vec<Admin1Filter>>,
) -> Option<String> {
if mode == GeocodeSubCmd::Suggest {
if mode == GeocodeSubCmd::Suggest || mode == GeocodeSubCmd::SuggestNow {
let search_result: Vec<&CitiesRecord>;
let cityrecord = if admin1_filter_list.is_none() {
// no admin1 filter, run a search for 1 result (top match)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -887,56 +949,52 @@ fn search_cached(

return Some(format_result(cityrecord, formatstr, true));
} else if mode == GeocodeSubCmd::Reverse {
// regex for Location field. Accepts (lat, long) & lat, long
let locregex: &'static Regex = regex_oncelock!(

let loccaps = locregex.captures(cell);
if let Some(loccaps) = loccaps {
let lat = fast_float::parse(&loccaps[1]).unwrap_or_default();
let long = fast_float::parse(&loccaps[2]).unwrap_or_default();
if (-90.0..=90.0).contains(&lat) && (-180.0..=180.0).contains(&long) {
let search_result =
engine.reverse((lat, long), 1, k, country_filter_list.as_deref());
let Some(cityrecord) = (match search_result {
Some(search_result) => search_result.into_iter().next().map(|ri|,
None => return None,
}) else {
return None;
// we're doing a Reverse/Now command and expect a WGS 84 coordinate
// the regex validates for "(lat, long)" or "lat, long"
let locregex: &'static Regex =

let loccaps = locregex.captures(cell);
if let Some(loccaps) = loccaps {
let lat = fast_float::parse(&loccaps[1]).unwrap_or_default();
let long = fast_float::parse(&loccaps[2]).unwrap_or_default();
if (-90.0..=90.0).contains(&lat) && (-180.0..=180.0).contains(&long) {
let search_result = engine.reverse((lat, long), 1, k, country_filter_list.as_deref());
let Some(cityrecord) = (match search_result {
Some(search_result) => search_result.into_iter().next().map(|ri|,
None => return None,
}) else {
return None;

if formatstr == "%+" {
// default for reverse is city-admin1 - e.g. "Brooklyn, New York"
let (_admin1_key, admin1_name) = match &cityrecord.admin1_names {
Some(admin1) => admin1

return Some(format!(
"{city}, {admin1}",
city =,
admin1 = admin1_name.clone()
if formatstr == "%+" {
// default for reverse is city-admin1 - e.g. "Brooklyn, New York"
let (_admin1_key, admin1_name) = match &cityrecord.admin1_names {
Some(admin1) => admin1

return Some(format_result(cityrecord, formatstr, false));
return Some(format!(
"{city}, {admin1}",
city =,
admin1 = admin1_name.clone()
} else {
// not a valid lat, long
return None;

return Some(format_result(cityrecord, formatstr, false));

// not a valid lat, long
return None;

/// format the geocoded result based on formatstr if its not %+
fn format_result(cityrecord: &CitiesRecord, formatstr: &str, suggest_mode: bool) -> String {
let (_admin1_key, admin1_name) = match &cityrecord.admin1_names {
Some(admin1) => admin1
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