Application processing steps ::
authentication : checks authentication details in auth_config and authenticate using provided user details
access : navigates through the portal, pulls page source code and returns formatted page source
parse : pull the desired data with help of formatted page source and xpaths (provided in access-configs) and returns URL's dictionary
filter : filters the URLs dictionary using user inputs (provided in user-input-configs) and returns desired URL's dictionary
download files : Downloads files to output directory using details provided in URL's dictionary
transfer files : Transfers the files to desired path (configured in file-transfer-configs)
- All the keys used in config files (*-config.json) are lowercase with - or _
To Download provider specific files use below commands ::
1: Download provider specific latest file
>python --provider <provider name> --output <output directory>
2: Download profile specific latest files
>python --profile <profile name> --output <output directory>