A python package that provides a multi-dimensional histogram with automatic Poisson bootstrap re-sampling.
Install with pip from PyPI:
python -m pip install bootstraphistogram
For usage instructions and examples see the documentation at: https://bootstraphistogram.readthedocs.io.
For Linux systems, the provided setup script will setup a suitable python virtual environment and install pre-commit-hooks.
source setup.sh
Alternatively, a Dockerfile
is provided for a consistent development environment.
docker build -tbootstraphistogram:latest . && \
docker start bootstraphistogram && \
docker run --name bootstraphistogram -it -d bootstraphistogram:latest /bin/bash
This package uses Python poetry for dependency management.
poetry install
To run the unit tests run:
poetry run pytest
To build documentation run:
poetry run pip install -r docs/requirements.txt && \
poetry run sphinx-build -W docs docs-build
To auto-build the documentation while editing:
poetry run pip install sphinx-autobuild && sphinx-autobuild docs docs/_build/html
and find your documentation on http://localhost:8000.
To generate a test coverage report run:
poetry run coverage run -m pytest tests && poetry run coverage report -m