A very opinionated, zero-config neovim setup for writing Rust, GoLang, C/C++, Lua and Svelte/ReactJS/Frontend web.
A familiar editor that enables:
- Coding with
- Autocomplete
- Smart suggestions
- Tabnine
- Good support for
- Rust
- Go
- Lua
- C/C++
- React
- Autoformatting
- Rust
- Go
- Lua
- C/C++
- React
There aren't many, I like to keep it simple but these are basically burned in muscle memory for me after years of developing with different editors.
is ,
N) Ctrl + hjkl -- move between panes.
N) Ctrl + o -- Toggle nerd tree (file browser.)
N) Ctrl + p -- Open file finder.
N) Ctrl + s -- Toggle the code overview panel.
N) K -- Show floating documentation.
N) [d -- Go to the previous; any level, diagnostic.
N) ]d -- Go to the next; any level, diagnostic.
N) [c -- Go to the previous error diagnostic.
N) ]c -- Go to the next error diagnostic.
N) gd -- Go to the definition of what's under the cursor.
N) gr -- rename this thing and refactor it's usages.
N) se -- Show the diagnostic in a floating window.
N) bp -- Toggle a Break Point at this line.
N) bpc -- Set a breakpoint with a condition.
N) F5 -- Start a DAP debugger session.
N) F8 -- In a DAP debugging session step over this breakpoint.
N) F11 -- In a DAP debugging session step into the current expression.
N) F12 -- In a DAP debugging session step out of the current expression.
IN) Ctrl + t -- Run nearest test function.
IN) Ctrl + c -- Run go test coverage.
I) Ctrl + k -- Signature help in insert mode.