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PA2 for CS 553 @ Illinois Institute of Technology


David Ghiurco, Alexandru Iulian Orhean


This repository contains the solution (source code and configuration scripts) for the second CS553 programming assignment (2017). The objective of the assignment is to provide four different implementation for the TeraSort (external sort of 1 TB of data) problem: shared memory, Hadoop, Spark and MPI; and study the weak scalability of each solution for three different configurations:

  1. 1-node i3.large Amazon EC2 instance;
  2. 1-node i3.4xlarge Amazon EC2 instance;
  3. 8-node i3.large Amazon EC2 instances;

Note: MPI TeraSort was not implemented in this report

Project Organization

The implementation are organized in different directories, that contain the source code, build scripts and configuration scripts, but also the scripts that generates the data to be sorted.


The task list for the homework assignment:

  • Implement the shared memory solution;
  • Evaluate the shared memory solution;
  • Set up the Hadoop environment (HDFS + framework) (write scripts);
  • Implement the Hadoop solution;
  • Evaluate the Hadoop solution;
  • Set up the Spark environment (HDFS + framework) (write scripts);
  • Implement the Spark solution;
  • Evaluate the Spark solution;

Setting up Filesystem storage

Before running any deployment, we need to create a mountpoint for the SSD of the AWS instance. i3.large nodes have an 8 GB partition allocated to the OS, and 442.4 G unallocated. i3.4x large nodes need a mountpoint setup with RAID 0 in order to be able to store 1 TB in HDFS

Setting up 1x i3.large

  1. Create a new partition on the disk (n), select primary type (p), accept defaults, and write the partition to disk (w)
sudo fdisk /dev/nvme0n1
  1. Format the newly-created partition
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p1
  1. Create a mountpoint for the partition and set permissions
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/storage
sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/storage
  1. Mount the filesystem onto the mountpoint
sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/storage

Now, clone this repository into /mnt/storage, and use the deployment scripts. They will assume that the mountpoint the repository is cloned to is the disk where the HDFS filesystem will reside. HDFS files will be stored under the hadoop-terasort module directory.

Setting up 1x i3.4xlarge

  1. Setup RAID 0
sudo apt-get install -y mdadm
sudo mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=0 --raid-devices=2 /dev/nvme0n1 /dev/nvme1n1
  1. Format the disk Note: This will take a VERY long time. Close to 45 minutes. 3.5 TB has to be formatted
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/md0
  1. Create a mountpoint for the new filesystem & mount it
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/md0
sudo mount /dev/md0 /mnt/md0
  1. Setup permissions for the mountpoint
sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/md0
  1. Check whether the new space is available
df -h -x devtmpfs -x tmpfs

You should see something like:

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/xvda1      7.7G 1003M  6.7G  13% /
/dev/md0        3.5T   69M  3.3T   1% /mnt/md0

Now, clone the project repository into /mnt/md0, and use the deployment scripts. They will assume that the mountpoint the repository is cloned to is the disk where the HDFS filesystem will reside. HDFS files will be stored under the hadoop-terasort module directory.

Setting up 8x i3.large

Building Project

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y make openjdk-8-jdk
./gradlew build

This will install Java and Make, then compile the hadoop-terasort & spark-terasort modules

To stop the gradle daemon after compilation (so it doesn't waste memory):

./gradlew --stop

The Hadoop application JAR will be installed in:


The Spark application JAR will be installed in:


To setup the ecosystem of each implementation, and for experiment setup instructions, see the respective of each module


PA2 for CS 553 @ Illinois Institute of Technology






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