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Releases: davidgrier/pyfab

Phase 1 of Refactoring

27 Feb 19:11
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This release marks a step toward refactoring pyfab into independent components that handle video processing, hardware automation and particle tracking with a pluggable architecture.

Bug fix

19 Feb 22:05
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Corrected bug in QDVRWidget that referred to incorrect object for dimensions.
Added running average for FPS calculation.

Basic pyfab/jansen functionality

19 Feb 19:39
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Pyfab is a GUI for interacting with a holographic fabrication and characterization
instrument. It provides the user with a real-time holographic display of the instrument's
sample volume and allows the user to project holographic optical traps into the volume
with real-time 3D control.

Milestones to v0.8:

  • Memory profiling to ensure clean shutdown
  • Rotate groups of traps in 2D
  • Support for structured traps, such as helical modes

Milestones to v0.9

  • Geometric calibration through introspection.
  • Aberration calibration and correction.
  • Scripted tasks

Milestones to v1.0

  • Automated particle acquisition
  • Scripted assembly