Package tested in: moodle 4.4+, 4.5+.
Download zip package, extract the menutopic folder and upload this folder into course/format/.
- Developed by: David Herney - davidherney at gmail dot com
- GIT:
- Powered by: BambuCo
- Documentation: En - Es
A customizable menu with child nodes. Link with course sections and resources or external URLs.
A simple UI to edit menu structure.
- Fix: the topics bar is not refresh when change a section (move a section in boost sections bar).
- Task: change the course index according the course menu.
- Compatibility with moodle 4.4 and 4.5.
- Implementation: "Not link in parent items".
- Inline help icons when using the summary as a template
- Support bulk edit tools and the section permalink.
New menu styles
Configurable navigation between course sections
- Compatibility with moodle 4