Analysis of tree ring based biomass time series at Ameriflux Sites FILENAME: Folder: Francesc_uncertainties
This folder contains SITE level uncertainty estimates for sites within the DOE network. Sites include:
Harvard Forest Dowland Forest Valles Lower Valles Upper Morgan Monroe Missouri Ozarks Oak Openings UMBS-Ameriflux site Duke Hardwood Duke Loblolly Savannah River Austin-Cary Niwot Ridge
Components included (Components from Jenkins database Table 5)
Comp. 1—total tree biomass PFT equations used Comp. 2spp—Aboveground Biomass; Species specific equations used where possible Comp. 2pft—Aboveground Biomass; PFT equations used Comp. 6—Wood Biomass(stem); PFT equations used Comp. 18—Leaves Biomass; PFT equations used Comp. 29—Total root biomass; PFT equations used
Two file types appear: 1)Allometry Uncertainties—quantifies uncertainty associated with the parameter errors calculated with PECAN framework—
2)Density Uncertainty—quantifies uncertainty associated with the variation in plot structure at the sites.
All files are formatted the same:
Year: Calendar year SiteID: General Site name—see above Mean: Mean biomass estimate LB: lower 95% confidence interval UB: upper 95% confidence interval
HEADER: These three files were produced with the code found at:
Contact M.Ross Alexander ([email protected]) with any questions
Date of data processing: April 2016
The research was supported by the DOE Regional and Global Climate Modeling program DE-SC0016011
Initial iPlant upload 04/07/2016 * Updated: *
Keywords used to describe the data topic
DOE Carbon allocation, aNPP, tree rings, ameriflux