Releases: davidpeckham/sublime-filterlines
Fixes issue #53
Fixes #53, that caused menu items. to be disabled and Command Palette to lose filter commands
PEP 8 cleanup
Now uses title case for all menu items, and PEP 8 cleanup.
Install instructions
Thanks to @isseiler for the pull request to add install instructions. I added some instructions to get people started. If you feel we need more detail here, please open an issue or pull request.
3.1.0 April 10, 2017
This release is for Sublime Text 3 users. I have separate versions of the plugin for Sublime Text 2 and 3, and the version for Sublime Text 2 remains unchanged for now.
Folding is faster
Filtering in place is back!
New menus on the Edit > Lines and Edit > Code Folding menus, and in package manager
It's been almost two years since I created this plugin, based on a tutorial by Daniel Beck. At the time, I had moved from TextMate to Sublime Text, and missed TextMate's Filter Lines feature. So I adapted Daniel's tutorial and used the plugin almost every day. With help from others, I added features like folding, filtering for non-matching lines, filtering in place, and custom line separators. But it wasn't very fast on large files, and with the new features it was getting harder to extend.
For this release, I made Filter Lines faster, especially for very large files, and refactored and simplified it so that it will be easier for others to extend. I refocused on the plugin's most useful features, and rewrote it to use the native Sublime Text 3 API where possible instead of Python modules. For example, I used the Sublime Text 3 search API instead of the Python regular expression module.
Unfortunately, I dropped two features -- filtering in place and custom line separators. I dropped filtering in place because I prefer not to modify the source buffer, and I dropped custom line separators to simplify the plugin.
This release is for Sublime Text 3 users. I have separate versions of the plugin for Sublime Text 2 and 3, and the version for Sublime Text 2 remains unchanged for now.
Renamed repository and changed message file names Renamed message files to see if Package Control will load them after updating the plugin.
Renamed repository and changed message file names Renamed message files to see if Package Control will load them after updating the plugin.
Updated changelog
Added changelog
Removed Sublime Text 2 support