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Plague Project

Project Documents

UI Mockup


Install Node.js (for React development)

Install Python 3 (for server)

Python Tornado Server

Installation & Setup

Install required Python modules

pip install -r requirements.txt

("web" folder contains information for React)

Tornado Server

Run the file with Python

Optional PORT variable (default 8080)

Optional DEBUG variable (default false)

PORT=9999 DEBUG=true python

Plague API

Plague simulation endpoint

GET /plague

Query string parameters

Parameter Type Description
immune_percent Float % of initial population that is immune
transmission_rate Float How infectious the disease is
virulence Float How fatal the disease is
initial_infected Int Amount of people start as infected
initial_population Int Total starting population
infection_length Int How long someone is infected for
simulation_length Int How many days to run the simulation for


GET /plague?immune_percent=0.1&transmission_rate=0.2&virulence=0.25&initial_infected=500&initial_population=1000000&infection_length=100&simulation_length=365&preset=Custom