This application mocks services like Acuant AssureID or LexisNexis TrueID etc. The default url is http://localhost:8080.
It depends on one wiremock extension library which is hosted on github, customized configuraiton is needed for Maven
After installation of maven, customize the setting by following Github documentation.
To summarize, make sure the repository is configured in ~/.m2/settings.xml
looks like
<settings xmlns=""
mvn spring-boot:run
mvn package
# this will generate packaged jar file idk-mock-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar in target directory
java -jar idk-mock-xxxx.jar
A json file can be used as document images to trigger response needed.
The specification of the json file looks like the following:
"front" : {
"httpStatus": 200|500|438|439|440,
"fixedDelays": 1000
"back" : {
"httpStatus": 200|500|438|439|440,
"fixedDelays": 1000
"result": {
"httpStatus": 500|438|439|440,
"ognlExpression": "",
"ognlExpressions": [
"fixedDelays": 1000
The "front", "back" and "result" parts specify respose configurations for the three service calls.
The ognlExpression
is used to modify a template response using OGNL language. The OGLN language provides the capability not only to navigate the object graph but also to change it.
An example to trigger a 2D Barcode Content
"ognlExpression" : "#this.alerts.{? #this.key=='2D Barcode Content'}[0].result=5, #this.result=5"
List of Alert
that you can change:
- "2D Barcode Content",
- "2D Barcode Read",
- "Birth Date Crosscheck",
- "Birth Date Valid",
- "Document Classification",
- "Document Crosscheck Aggregation",
- "Document Expired",
- "Document Number Crosscheck",
- "Expiration Date Crosscheck",
- "Expiration Date Valid",
- "Full Name Crosscheck",
- "Image Tampering Check",
- "Issue Date Crosscheck",
- "Issue Date Valid",
- "Sex Crosscheck",
An example to trigger 440
http status code, which means a IMAGE_SIZE failure (438 IMAGE_LOAD_FAILURE, 439 PIXEL_DEPTH_FALURE).
"httpStatus": 440
List of Alerts
- "Visible Pattern",
- "2D Barcode Content",
- "2D Barcode Read",
- "Birth Date Crosscheck",
- "Birth Date Valid",
- "Document Classification",
- "Document Crosscheck Aggregation",
- "Document Expired",
- "Document Number Crosscheck",
- "Expiration Date Crosscheck",
- "Expiration Date Valid",
- "Full Name Crosscheck",
- "Issue Date Crosscheck",
- "Issue Date Valid",
- "Sex Crosscheck",
An example to change a 2D Barcode Content
authentication result.
"ognlExpressions" : [
"#detail=#this.products.{parameterDetails.{? group.value=='AUTHENTICATION_RESULT' && name.endsWith('AlertName') && values.{?value=='2D Barcode Content'}.size==1 }}[0][0]",
"#result_name=\"Alert_\"+#name_seq+ \"_AuthenticationResult\"",
"#auth_result=#this.products.{parameterDetails.{? group.value=='AUTHENTICATION_RESULT' && name==#result_name }}[0][0]",
TrueID uses no http status for data checks, an example to change image metrics.
"ognlExpressions": [
"#detail=#this.products.{parameterDetails.{? group.value=='IMAGE_METRICS_RESULT' && name=='GlareMetric' }}[0][0]",
Part of the wiremock-state-extension
configuration code for Spring
is from the spring-cloud-contract-wiremock
project which does support wiremock
v3 now.