1. patterns of gene methylation.
1.1 Measure genic methylation: only use CDS sequence:
1. Use CGmaptools (2019 version: https://cgmaptools.github.io/cgmaptools_documentation/what-is-cgmaptools.html) to select sites exits only in CDS regrion
2. Use gene bed file to calculatet genic methylation for genes:
mCG = (#methylated cytosines in genes CDS region in CG context)/(#methylated cytosines in genes CDS region in CG context)
mCHG = (#methylated cytosines in genes CDS region in CHG context)/(#methylated cytosines in genes CDS region in CHG context)
Reference codes:
cgmaptools select region -i NAM.CGmap -r NAM_CDS.bed
#subset the CGmaps only in CDS region -
cgmaptools mtr -i NAM_CDS.CGmap -r NAM_gene.bed
#calculate gene methylated level -
for gene epiallele classification
1.2 Define the gene epiallele status Workflow: 1. Coverage: cCG (# cytosines in CG context) & cCHG (# cytosines in CHG context) >= 40
2. Specific mCG & mCHC values:
UM: mCG <= 0.05 & mCHG <= 0.05
gbM: mCG >= 0.2 & mCHG <= 0.05
teM: mCG >= 0.4 & mCHG >= 0.4
1.3 Core gene: Based on the sequence homology, subset of pangenes that present in 26 genomes, get from Hufford et al. (2021) pangene matrix version 3. This is an excel file provides interlink for pangene and gene. For each pangene ID, it contains the according geneID for 26 genomes, NA indicates missing syntenic gene and multiple gene ID in one cell indicates tandem duplicated genes. Class indicates the pangene status such as core, near core, dispensibale and private genes. In all analysis, we used the core gene set unless specified.
The joint distribution of pangene class and epiallele status
1.4 Picture the methylation environment around genes(meta gene):
cgmaptools bed2fragreg
pipeline (seepre_MFG.sh
) are used to generated a tab deliminated file with upstream/downstream 3k and 1.5k within genes in 100bp interval for every genes.cgmaptools mfg -i
#calculate methylated level
1.5 The distribution of 100 bp upstream TSS site.
cgmaptools mtr
is used to calculate the methylated levels for every 100 bp upstream TSS region.
2. structural and expression patterns in B73 core genes according to methylation categories.
2.1 The genetic elements inserted into UM/gbM/teM genes
command is used to calculate CDS/exon/UTR/intron length for every gene and the summary statistis is done by R base(version 4.10)bedtools intersect
is used to indentify the TEs overlapping with genesbedtools merge
is to used to collapse the overlapping TE- the customed R script is used to summarize the cumulative TE overlapping with genes.
2.2 TEs from different superfamilies overlapping with genes.
*Use python(ASE/3.19.0-intel-2019b-Python-3.7.4) to process TE gff3 files and make a tab delimited file with chromosome number, start position, end position, TE superfamily and TE family.
*In shell, we then generated the intron bed files using awk
*bedtools intercept -wa -wb -a -b
to generate the file with gene overlapping intron
2.3 Proportion of genes with UTR
to generated the UTR bed files
*bedtools intersect -wa -wb -a gene -b UTR
*Use R to do the summary statistics for insertion frequency for genes with diffferent epiallele status
2.4 Proportion of genes with CDS overlapping repeats
*Use awk
to generated the CDS bed file
*bedtools intersect
to intersect CDS and TE files
- In R, use
to calculate the culmulative length of repeats inserted into each gene. merge(,,all.x = T)
function is used to match geneID and according methylation status, NA is replaced with 0 forbedtools
fail to detect the CDS overlapping with repeats.table(length>100,methylation)
function in R is used to calculate the counts the for genes with different epiallele status.
2.5 Expression pattern for genes with different epiallele status
- To call the tpm values for each gene of all 26 maize lines, we use the pipeline developed in Hufford et. al (2021) with slight modification (see methods).
- To define the constitutive expressed gene, we require gene to have tpm value above 1 in all investigated 10 tissues (leaf tip, leaf middle, leaf base, root, shoot, ear, anther, tassel, endosperm and embryo), silenced gene to have tpm value all below 1 in 10 tissues and tissue specific to have tpm above in at least one tissue but not all ten. To achieve that, we combined all expression data into one files with gene ID as the identifier. Use
from matrixStats package in R to calculate how many tissues have expression for each gene.
3. epiallele stability.
3.1 Create the methylation matrix as pangene unit.
- Use R to create a matrix with genes' cumulative CDS lengths by
merge(core_pan_ID, CDS_length,by.x=T)
with for loopping 26 maize genomes. Then userowMedians()
to calculate the singletons' cumulative CDS lengths for each pangene. - For the tandem duplicates, we use
the epialleles together bypaste0
function. This will act as a constraint to select genes with similar cumulative CDS lenghts. - With geneID with similar cumulative CDS, we use
to match panID to each geneID to create epiallele matrix. - With geneID with similar cumulative CDS, we use
to match panID to each geneID to create gene copy matrix.
3.2 Calculation
- Divide the epiallele matrix into singleton with all genes to be UM, gbM and teM set.
- NULL all singletons, combine the tandem duplicates as a single list for each set.
is used to count all UM, gbM and teM is each duplicate list.- Repeat this process with genes equal and greater than 4.
4. epialleles switches and gene expression.
- With geneID with similar cumulative CDS, we use
to match panID to each geneID to create 10 TPM matrix for 10 different matrix. - Subset each TPM matrices for stable UM-gbM, UM-teM and gbM-teM, and make the indication matrix for each epiallele.
- Matrix operation is used to calculate the average TPM values for UM, gbM and teM pangenes in each single unstable set.