A simple container to launch and run diagnostics directly from inside an OpenShift compute node.
- oc login ...
- oc new-project foo
- oc new-app https://github.com/dbaker-rh/container-diags
- oc logs -f bc/container-diags # this waits for build to finish
- oc rsh $( oc get pods | awk '$1!~/-build/ && $3=="Running" {print $1; exit}' ) bash
Rebuild after a repo update
- oc start-build container-diags --follow
- oc rsh $( oc get pods | awk '$1!~/-build/ && $3=="Running" {print $1; exit}' ) bash
Note that by default "oc new-app" will detect the name of the remote repo and use it. Override with "--name=bar", if desired. The first build will pull from the github repo, not your local copy, so you need to upload the Dockerfile and rebuild to incorporate any local edits.
- git clone https://github.com/dbaker-rh/container-diags.git && cd ./container-diags
- oc login ...
- oc new-project foo
- oc new-app . # This builds based on the repo you cloned, not including any edits to the local directory
- oc logs -f bc/container-diags # This waits for the build to finish
If you want to make local edits, such as adding extra packages, do so now. This step uploads a copy of the local Dockerfile and rebuilds.
- ... edit, as needed, ...
- oc start-build container-diags --from-file=Dockerfile --follow # Upload local edits and rebuild
Now, open a shell in the container we created.
- oc rsh $( oc get pods | awk '$1!~/-build/ && $3=="Running" {print $1; exit}' ) bash
If you want to make more elaborate edits, or preserve the edits you make, then fork the repo on GitHub and push your edits there.
Private repos, or read-write operations over https will not work if you have 2FA enabled.
In that case, create a Personal Access Token with no scope You'll also need to add your Personal Access Token to the OpenShift project:
oc secret new-basicauth user-at-github --username=dbaker-rh --prompt Password: secret/user-at-github
oc secrets link builder user-at-github
oc annotate secret/user-at-github
Note we have no .git/ directory at all to confuse things.
- mkdir /tmp/whatever && cd /tmp/whatever
- wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dbaker-rh/container-diags/master/Dockerfile
- ... edit, as needed, ...
- oc login ...
- oc new-project foo
- oc new-app . --name=bar
- oc start-build bar --from-file=Dockerfile --follow
- oc rsh $( oc get pods | awk '$1!~/-build/ && $3=="Running" {print $1; exit}' ) bash