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Grouping Panel

dbeaver-devops edited this page Dec 4, 2024 · 9 revisions

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The Grouping panel provides tools to calculate statistics based on a table or a custom SQL query. It uses GROUP BY queries to extract unique values for COUNT (default), SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, and other analytics functions, displaying the results in dedicated columns.

Grouping panel

To obtain the grouping results for one or more columns of a data table, open the Grouping Panel. Then, in the result table, place the cursor on the table header and drag-and-drop the column into the panel:

If you add several columns to the panel, CloudBeaver groups the data in the order the columns are added and calculates statistics based on the grouping.

Function management

Adding a function

By default, the COUNT function is used. You can add other functions as well.

To add a function, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Configure button on the Grouping panel's toolbar.

  2. In the Grouping Configuration window, locate the Functions area and enter the function into the row.

Note: COUNT is the only function that allows the use of * instead of specifying a column name.

  1. To complete the process, click Apply.

Removing a function

To remove a function, navigate to the Grouping Configuration window, click the Remove button, and then click Apply.

Column management

Adding a column

You can also manage columns in the same Grouping Configuration window.

To add a column:

  1. Click the Configure button on the Grouping panel's toolbar.

  2. In the Grouping Configuration window, go to the Columns area and enter the column name into the row.

  3. To complete the process, click Apply.

Tip: You can add a column with an expression for MySQL/MariaDB databases. The expression will be calculated in the resulting column:

Removing a column

  • To remove a column, in the same Grouping Configuration window, click the cross (X) icon and then click Apply.

  • Alternatively, you can remove a column by clicking the column name and then clicking the Remove button in the Grouping panel's toolbar.

  • You can also remove a column by dragging and dropping it outside the Grouping panel.

To clear all results from the Grouping Panel, click the Clear button .


You can filter data in the Grouping Panel. For more information, refer to the Data Filters article.

Default sorting

Click the Sort by Column button to switch sorting options for the grouped data:

Option Icon Description
Unsorted Leaves the data in its original order.
Ascending Sorts the grouped data in ascending order.
Descending Sorts the grouped data in descending order.

Show duplicates only

Click the Show Duplicates button to filter the results and display only those rows where the COUNT is greater than 1.


Note: This feature is available in Enterprise, AWS, Team editions only.

You can create and manage various charts directly within the Grouping Panel. For more information, refer to the Managing Charts article.

Export grouped data

You can export grouped data using the Export button in the Grouping Panel. For more details on exporting data, refer to the Data Export article.

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