Vue3 material design icons with easy access to icons names and types (all available in IDE hints). Hints were tested on IntelliJ IDE. Fonts based on
npm install -D @dbetka/vue-material-icons@latest
Add as Vue3 plugin:
import '@dbetka/vue-material-icons/dist/index.css'
import materialIcons from '@dbetka/vue-material-icons';
const app = createApp(App);
<MaterialIcon name="delete" />
<MaterialIcon name="delete" filled/>
<MaterialIcon name="delete" outlined/>
<MaterialIcon name="delete" round/>
<MaterialIcon name="delete" sharp/>
<MaterialIcon name="delete" two-tone/>
<MaterialIcon name="delete" size="26"/>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useIcons } from '@dbetka/vue-material-icons';
import { computed } from 'vue'
const props = defineProps<{
done: boolean
const icons = useIcons()
const currentIcon = computed(() => props.done ? icons.names.done : icons.names.hourglass_empty)
<MaterialIcon :name="currentIcon"/>
Icon component CSS class is material-icon
. You can modify this class styles by new CSS styles.
Component with CSS example:
<MaterialIcon name="delete" class="red"/>
<style> {
color: red;
Component with CSS example:
<MaterialIcon name="delete" class="bigger"/>
.material-icon.bigger {
font-size: 64px;
width: 64px;
height: 64px;
Access to symbols metadata:
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useIcons } from '@dbetka/vue-material-symbols';
import { computed } from 'vue';
/*** SymbolMetadata
name: string
version: number
popularity: number
codepoint: number
categories: string[]
tags: string[]
const { metadata } = useIcons()
const symbolsSortedByPopularity = computed(() => metadata.sort((a, b) => b.popularity - a.popularity))
<MaterialIcon v-for="symbol of symbolsSortedByPopularity" :key="" :name="" />