Potential drug-drug interaction information from publicly available sources (Code to prototype the new Drug Interaction Knowledge Base)
A service provided by the University of Pittsburgh Drug Interaction Knowledge Base (DIKB) with grant funding from the National Library of Medicine (R01LM011838).
NOTE: A different code repository holds the code for extracting, translating, and loading the data from the various sources: https://github.com/dbmi-pitt/public-PDDI-analysis
data : The potential drug-drug interaction data that has been merged into a single data model. The SQL files are needed to create and load the database. The Bzip'ed tab-delimited (TSV) files are for folks to download
scripts : scripts for post-processing merged data
src : the web application code
pom.xml : the Maven build configuration script
NOTE: Edit ./src/main/resources/source-attribute.properties to configure the specific sources selectable from the front page of the web site and the specific rows shown on the results page.
Java Servlet, JSP, JSTL, Ajax, Jquery, SQL
Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE9
(1) requirements (http://www.tutorialspoint.com/maven/maven_environment_setup.htm):
Java JDK (oracle) >= 1.7 Maven 3.3.1 Versions for tomcat, JSP, JSP-EL: http://tomcat.apache.org/whichversion.html MySQL >= 5.1
Linux: $ sudo apt-get install mysql-server $ sudo apt-get install maven $ sudo apt-get install tomcat7
(2) setup database
$ Mysql -u {$DB_USERNAME} -p {$DB_SCHEMA} < data/drugData.sql
create a db config file at "Merged-PDDI/src/main/resources/db-connection.properties"
database={$DB_SCHEMA} dbuser={$DB_USERNAME} dbpassword={$DB_PASSWORD}
(3) use maven compile and deploy to tomcat
$ mvn clean compile war:war $ sudo cp target/Merged-PDDI.war /webapps/
(4) access prototype at : http://localhost:8080/Merged-PDDI