Code and algorithm to support our paper Needler: An Algorithm to Develop a Comprehensive Targeted MS Method Capable of Monitoring the Human Proteome.
Makefile should replicate the needed steps assuming a standard Linux environment (make
, wget
, etc) + Python Poetry are available.
Alternatively, can use the provided .devcontainer which will create an environment with necessary tooling.
Makefile high-level outline:
make build_env
Configure the Python virtual environment with Poetrymake download
Download required datasets- Uniprot Swiss-Prot proteome fasta
- A deep proteome and transcriptome abundance atlas of 29 healthy human tissues proteomics reference for detectable proteins per tissue.
make munge
pre-process the datasets- extract liver proteins from Tissue Atlas study
- extract human proteins from Uniprot
- digest proteins into tryptic peptides
- filter tryptic peptides
- sized 5-30 residues
- distinct (represented by single protein)
- does not contain uncommon amino acid (X or U)
- does not contain methionine (commonly oxidized and is inappropriate for MS quantification)
- each protein represented by >= 2 peptides (common MS quantitation criteria)
- assign predicted iRT and retention time value to all retained peptide sequences
- produce sub-proteomes for study: liver, kinase, dub
make fit
run the needler algorithm to produce targeted MS methods for each proteome. Recommend invoking with a-j <CPU_COUNT>
option to run fits in parallel. This represents a significant amount of computation and is not advised to run on a single machine as it represents potentially years of dedicated computer time.
Datasets contained within the repo itself:
. Supplementary data table from PROCAL: A Set of 40 Peptide Standards for Retention Time Indexing, Column Performance Monitoring, and Collision Energy Calibration of the 40 retention time standard peptide sequences chosen by the Kuster group.prosit_predict_irt.csv
predicted indexed retention times (iRT) values for human peptide sequences using the Prosit: proteome-wide prediction of peptide tandem mass spectra by deep learning Proteome Tools calculator. Configuring the calculator takes a bit of effort, so committing computed values here.uniprot_pkinfam_202004.csv
human kinases extracted from the Uniprot pkinfam resource
Code is available under an Apache 2 license.