Tags: dbyron-sf/spinnaker-gradle-project
fix(*): Support for parsing boolean project properties (spinnaker#158) Prior to this fix, any intended boolean project property (ie. `-PbintrayPublishDebEnabled`) would be interpreted as `true` apparently due to how `asType()` works.
feat(tests): allow version aliases in compatibility block (spinnaker#152 )
feat(javac): add a `targetJava11` project property (spinnaker#149) If set, we'll use `-source 11 -target 11` instead of `1.8`. Now that Netflix is moving to the Java 11 runtime, we can start using Java 11 language features. So I'll start migrating all the microservices.
fix(plugins): Exclude third party libraries from plugin classes direc… …tory (spinnaker#148)