HTML5, Bulma CSS, JavaScript, REST API
A responsive, REST API & JavaScript focused project which allows users to pull data from the OMDb API to compare and contrast movie awards, metascore, IMDB rating, and IMDB voting.
Download the full package, select the Code button, choose the "Download ZIP" option.
Requires key ID from OMDb API site. After signing up for the key, the key must be activated via confirmation email.
Enter key ID in index.js file
Bulma CSS framework required
Install & set up Mocha
Chai Assertion Library to write assertions for testing
Code | Features |
Func1 | createAutoComplete function: reusable widget which can be customized by swapping out source of data with fetch and render options. |
Func2 | runComparison function: movieTemplate function extracts all relevant values for processing and stores data in the DOM where runComparison pulls out the values and references/compares them; reducing amount of code necessary. |
Dany Chheang [email protected]