dcyphr is a web application built in Flask/SQL/HTML/JS. It is a crowd-sourced platform informed by NLP to make academic research more accessible. Learn more
- Register and login
- Request articles to be distilled
- Browse knowledge base through Search or Explore
- Interact with articles by liking, endorsing, sharing, commenting, raising issues.
Clone this repositiory git clone https://github.com/dcyphr/dcyphr.git
Navigate to the repository on your local machine.
Set up a python3 virtual environment.
python3 -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the setup script
source ./setup.sh
You should have the Flask app running on your local environment!
Each route is defined by an @app.route
and routes that require the user to be logged in have the decorator @login_required
is used to run an SQL query on the database and uses string interpolation through setting a variable in the string by preceding it with a colon and then defining the variable as a second, third, etc. argument in the db.execute method.
- Train NLP on PLOS dataset
- Integrate NLP feature for automatic distillation
- Article URL -> distillation
- Article DOI -> distillation
- Article PDF -> distillation
- Ability to request human pruning or mark as correct
- Generate wrapper for NLP to periodically retrain on new data
- Integrate Stripe payment and create premium features
- React overhaul