CI/CD tips and tricks, script recipes etc
It’s a really powerful tool to automate your development and deployment processes.
It allows you to run a workflow triggered by some event in github.
In addition to general bash scripting knowledge, few cli tools you will find indispensable when working with CI pipelines:
- official github cli clientjq
- cli program for processing JSONawk
- powerful text processing tool (language) universally available on (almost) every terminal environment
- Use set -e in the beginning of your script to make sure the script exits on the first failure. The default behavior of bash is to continue running regardless of errors.
- Use
“double quotes” and ‘single quotes’ when necessary - Know how to pass data into and out of commands:
cat data.json | jq '.'
– use cat to read the file and pipe it into the stdin of jqjq '.' < data.json
– read the file at path and pass it into the stdin of jqjq '.' data.json
– if the tool supports it pass filenames as cli argumentsls *.json | xargs jq '.'
– xargs takes a whitespace separated list and passes it to the command as positional arguments. If the ls command returns "d1.json d2.json" this is equivalent to jq '.' d1.json d2.json