A 2-page interface for the Hacker News website.
List of core Frameworks/Libraries/APIs used:
- Vue 3 (Composition API)
- Vue Router
- Pinia
- Quasar
- Hacker News API
Main page:
- The news list, each consisting of the title, link to the corresponding URL, relative time of publication, score, and number of comments
- Buttons and dropdown menus for switching the category of news to display, changing the size of the list, refreshing the list and setting an auto-refresh delay
Clicking on an item from the list will take you to the Story page, which contains:
- The story's title, score, author and publication date
- Buttons for navigating to the corresponding URL or back to the Main page
- Comments section with a refresh button and expand/collapse buttons for parent comments
You can see the demo on the website published via Github Pages.