Change in docker-compose.yml some params.
in docker-compose.yml find user: decole
and fix decole - to your system login name.
user: decole
uid: 1000
fix fo example. Your system login is samm012
in docker-compose.yml fix user: decole
to user: samm012
for all this cases
user: samm012
uid: 1000
And in console execute this:
# build docker php container
docker-compose build --no-cache
# start service or docker-compose up -d
make up
# into app container or docker-compose exec app bash
make app
# in app container put commands from install and migrate laravel:
composer install && php artisan migrate
#into app container (make app) execute this command
php artisan key:generate
# exit at container
# in your console restart docker-compose
make restart
# app is start!
localhost:89 - welcome page with microservice info
Send to service api POST query with json. And service send notification by discord webhook message to your special discord chat.
For example:
Request body:
"who": "test_service",
"message": "Warning! Service N does not respond to the request."
In .env file enter yore credentials.
DISCORD_WEBHOOK="enter yore webhook string"
DISCORD_USER="enter yore discord user id"
make up
- it isdocker-compose up -d --remove-orphans
make down
- it isdocker-compose down
make stop
- it isdocker-compose down
make app-install
- composer instal vendor and artisan migrate
- generate secret key by laravel
make into app
- into php container
make tests
- start unit tests
You can see the full list of commands in the file itself. ( ./Makefile )
use make command make test
or into app container:
make app
php artisan test