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Concrete5 Theme Plugin for html-webpack-plugin to generate concrete5 theme files.


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To install first run

npm install -D html-webpack-plugin webpack
npm install -D html-webpack-c5-theme-plugin

then inside your webpack.config.js file

const { HtmlWebpackC5ThemePlugin } = require("html-webpack-c5-theme-plugin");
// or use const HtmlWebpackC5ThemePlugin = require("html-webpack-c5-theme-plugin").default;
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin");
module.exports ={
    plugins : [
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin(),
        new HtmlWebpackC5ThemePlugin(pluginOptions, HtmlWebpackPlugin)

pluginOptions can be either a string representing a theme name or a configuration object HtmlWebpackPlugin does not need to be passed but sometimes when dealing with multiple installations of the html-webpack-plugin, assets may not be correctly passed


Configuration options for this plugin are as follows

const c5Options = {
  packageHandle: null, // set to null unless you want to add theme to a package.
  themeHandle: "c5_theme", // The theme handle of the theme. This will be used in page_theme.php for namespacing.
  themeName: "Concrete5 Theme", // The theme name of the outputted files. This will be will be used in page_theme.php.
  themeDescription: "A nice description", // Enter a description about the theme. This will be used in page_theme.php.
  skipIndex: false, // Set to true if you dont want to process index.html as a php file. Useful if your index.html is just links.
  defaultPage: "index.html", // This is the page that will be used for generating default.php.
  deleteHtml: false, // This will delete html files after generating php.

Defining an area

To define a concrete 5 area in your files just put the following html tag

<c5-area name="C5 area"></c5-area>

Make an area global

<c5-area name="C5 area" global="true"></c5-area>

Disable Editing Controls

<c5-area name="C5 area" editable="false"></c5-area>

Defining an element

To define an element area just use html5 comment tags like this replace Element Name with what you want the element to be called

<div class="container">
  <!--C5 Begin Element Name-->
  <div class="sm-12 md-10">
    <c5-area name="Main"></c5-area>
  <!--C5 End Element Name-->

This will be placed into a file under 'theme_name/elements/element_name.php'

The element file would contain the following

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die('Access Denied.');
/* @var \Concrete\Core\Page\View\PageView $view */
$c = \Concrete\Core\Page\Page::getCurrentPage();?>
<div class="sm-12 md-10">
        $area = new \Concrete\Area\Area('Main');

The main html file will be outputted like this

<div class="container">
    <?php $view->inc('elements/element_name');?>


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