ui-v0.26.0 - 2025-02-06
Bug Fixes
- ui.markdown was styling code incorrectly (#1106) - (c84db85) - mofojed
- Make docs links passthrough (#1085) - (2ef0ddb) - Joe
- Ensure ReactPanelErrorBoundary handles undefined children (#1089) - (e622b83) - mofojed
- update dictionaries in state (#1096) - (120ac06) - dgodinez-dh
- update work with tables (#1098) - (bd9d20d) - dgodinez-dh
- Fix menu_trigger snippet (#1099) - (3847a35) - vbabich
- state as a snapshot (#1093) - (2b4d8ea) - dgodinez-dh
- render cycle (#1087) - (fece0a7) - dgodinez-dh
- state a component's memory (#1084) - (bed23d8) - dgodinez-dh
- respond to events (#1083) - (17c6635) - dgodinez-dh
- deephaven.ui dashboard crash course (#1057) - (185b0dc) - Joe