This script can automate change indexes templates for all index in cluster and put pre settings for new indecies
Case: You have 2 data nodes and 2 primary shard in index template. You add third data nodes and you need to increase primary shard in all index templates.
Usually we set index name, ilm policy, index template, index aliases names the same as index name
Set ElasticSearch nodes separated by comma (,) login and password
python "http://elastic:9200,http://elastic2:9200" "login" "passvord"
Scripts get all index template in ElasticSearch (except system indices started from .*), set new settings, compare between old template and new and put changed template to ElasticSearch
Set ElasticSearch nodes separated by comma (,) login and password, index name separeted by comma (,)
python "http://elastic:9200,http://elastic2:9200" "login" "passvord" "new-index,test_index,some_new_index" Scripts put new overwrite ilm policy and index template. Set index aliases for rollover and index test message