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Embedded Wizard tutorial

Tutorial and sample application for the Embedded Wizard GUI builder


Embedded Wizard is a graphical user interface tool developed and distributed by TARA Systems GmbH for creating graphical user interface (GUI) applications mainly for embedded systems.

This project aims at providing a tutorial for novice users to get them started quickly.

While building a sample application step by step, the tutorial covers the following topics:

In order to preview a live demo of the sample application, navigate to the application demo site.

For readers of the tutorial

The tutorial is hosted on GitHub pages, enjoy the tutorial!

If you have any suggestion for improvement or comment concerning this tutorial, feel free to open an issue.

For general question unrelated to this tutorial, you may make use of the question and answer site for Embedded Wizard users and UI developers.

Structure of the repository

The graphic below illustrates the structure of the repository:

docs/                    -> html sources of web site, linked to github pages
  index.html                -> start page, redirection only
  EmWiTutorial/latest/      -> html pages, images and attachments
  _/                        -> GUI resources
src/                     -> Sources of Embedded Wizard tutorial application
  EmWiTutorial.ewp          -> Embedded Wizard project file
  xxx.ewu/                  -> Project unit xxx
  yyy.ewu                   -> Project unit yyy
www/                     -> tutorial website
  antora/                   -> antora publishing toolchain
    playbook.yml               -> settings file, tells antora how to operate
  asciidoc/                 -> sources, in asciidoc format
    antora.yml                -> component descriptor file
      ROOT/                      -> root module
        nav.adoc                    -> navigation source file
        assets/                     -> images and attachments
        pages/                      -> page source files
  pdf/                      -> pdf publishing toolchain
    metadata.yml            -> metadata file, customization of pdf output
    template.latex          -> pandoc LaTeX template (author: Pascal Wagler)
    Tutorial.adoc           -> book file, includes all chapters of the tutorial
  resources/images/         -> images used (photoshop format)
  ui/                       -> website page templates, footer, header, ...
    build/                     -> generated ui bundle ''

For technical writers

HTML sources

The html sources of the tutorial website can be found inside the directory docs. This directory is linked to the github pages website. Any changes inside the directory docs will be picked up immediately on the tutorial website.

Instructions how to extend and rebuild the tutorial site

The site is published using Antora, a static site generator leveraging the AsciiDoctor text processing and publishing toolchain. Instructions on how to publish and possibly extend the site are given below:

First of all, install all needed prerequisites:

Git version control system

Make sure you have git installed on your system.

C:\> git --version

If you don't have git installed yet, download and run the Git installer.

npm package manager

For various installation tasks, we need npm, the Node.js package manager. If you don't have npm installed yet, download and run the Node.Js® installer. This installer will install both Node.Js and the package manager npm on your system.

With git and node installed, you’re ready to set up the project.

Cloning the project locally

First, clone the project into a local directory of your choice and enter this directory:

C:\Users\Me\Projects> git clone
C:\Users\Me\Projects> cd EmWiTutorial
C:\Users\Me\Projects\EmWiTutorial> REM ready for the next steps

Building and bundling the user interface

The project uses a customized version of the Antora Default UI as GUI template for the tutorial website. In order to successfully publish the tutorial site, we have to build and bundle this user interface first. Enter the directory www\ui of the cloned repository and install the dependencies using npm first. Afterwards, issue two gulp commands to generate the bundled user interface:

C:\Users\Me\Projects\EmWiTutorial> cd www\ui
C:\Users\Me\Projects\EmWiTutorial\www\ui> npm install
C:\Users\Me\Projects\EmWiTutorial\www\ui> npx gulp preview:build
C:\Users\Me\Projects\EmWiTutorial\www\ui> npx gulp bundle

If all went fine, you should now see the UI bundle available inside the subdirectory build.

C:\Users\Me\Projects\EmWiTutorial\www\ui> dir /B build

Extending or altering the tutorial site

  • The directory www\asciidoc\modules\ROOT\pages contains the pages sources in asciidoc format. Extend and or alter these pages according to your needs.
  • The directory www\asciidoc\modules\ROOT\assets contains the images of the pages and the attachments the pages link to. Extend and or alter these resource files as needed.

Rebuilding the tutorial site

Using the antora publisher, we can now build the tutorial site. Enter the directory www\antora of the cloned repository and install the dependencies using npm first. Afterwards, issue the following antora command to generate the tutorial site:

C:\Users\Me\Projects\EmWiTutorial\www\ui> cd ..\antora
C:\Users\Me\Projects\EmWiTutorial\www\ui> npm install
C:\Users\Me\Projects\EmWiTutorial\www\antora> npx antora --fetch playbook.yml

If all went fine, you should now see your changes reflected in the web site stored inside the the subdirectory docs of the cloned repository.

PDF version

Besides the html sources, you may want to generate a pdf version of the tutorial website. While there are several ways to produce a pdf document from asciidoc sources, we found out that leveraging the LaTeX toolchain gave the best results. All needed files for pdf generation are found inside the directory www\pdf. Be aware that generating high quality pdf documents is not an easy task, so don't expect a perfect result here.

Instructions how to generate a pdf version of the tutorial site

PDF generation is done using a two step approach: first we produce docbook output from the asciidoc sources using the asciidoctor text processor. Afterwards, we use the pandoc document converter to convert the docbook source to a pdf document using xelatex as pdf engine. Instructions on how to a generate a pdf version of the tutorial site are given below:

First of all, install the needed prerequisites:

Ruby programming language

Make sure you have ruby installed on your system.

C:\> ruby --version

If you don't have ruby installed yet, download and run the Ruby installer.

AsciiDoctor text processor & publishing toolchain

Next, you have to install asciidoctor using the following command:

C:\> gem install asciidoctor


Download and run the Pandoc installer if you don't have pandoc installed on your system yet.

Tex / XeTex

Make sure you have xetex installed on your system.

C:\> xetex --version

If you don't have xetex installed yet, install a working LaTeX installation on your system. For that purpose, you may make use of the MiKTeX or proTeXt or TeX Live distributions.

Now that you have asciidoctor, pandoc and xetex installed, you’re ready to generate the pdf of the tutorial site.

Building a pdf document of the tutorial site

Generating docbook output from tutorial site

Enter the directory www\pdf of the cloned repository and invoke asciidoctor text processor to produce docbook output from the asciidoc sources:

C:\Users\Me\Projects\EmWiTutorial> cd www\pdf
C:\Users\Me\Projects\EmWiTutorial\www\pdf> asciidoctor --doctype book --backend docbook5 Tutorial.adoc

This will produce a file Tutorial.xml inside the same directory, containing docbook output.

Converting docbook output to pdf using pandoc document converter

Finally, invoke pandoc converter to generate a pdf file from the docbook output you just generated:

C:\Users\Me\Projects\EmWiTutorial\www\pdf> pandoc Tutorial.xml --output Tutorial.pdf --from docbook --template template --metadata-file metadata.yml --pdf-engine xelatex --toc

This eventually will produce the pdf file Tutorial.pdf inside the same directory.

For pdf styling, we use the pandoc LaTeX template authored by Pascal Wagler. Further customization of the generated pdf can be achieved by extending the metadata file metadata.yml.