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Nautilus Examples

A TypeScript project showing Nautilus usage examples in different configurations.

Quick start:

  1. Install node modules:

    npm i
  2. Setup the .env file:

    cp ./example.env ./.env

    Fill in variables in .env:

    Variable Value
    NETWORK GENX(DEPRECATED), PONTUSXDEV(For rapid testing), PONTUSXTEST(Staging environment for demos), OASISSAPPHIRE(Production MVP)
    PRIVATE_KEY private key of your account (you can export this from MetaMask)

    The account needs to be funded with tokens. Depending on the example and network either gx (GENX) or EUROe (PONTUSXDEV, PONTUSXTEST) for the network fees are required. You can contact deltaDAO under [email protected] to receive tokens and onboarding.

    For the Oasis Sapphire (OASISSAPPHIRE) network ROSE tokens are required for the network fees and the logging token (PTX) for the after-payment logging.

  3. Update the necessary scripts as needed

    Go to the publish.ts, edit.ts, access.ts or compute.ts files and change or update them according to your needs. Working code examples are provided in each file.

  4. OPTIONAL: You can find the network and pricing configuration in config.ts. To adjust the price of your offering edit fixedRate in PRICING_CONFIGS and set the price as string (e.g.: '2.95').

  5. Uncomment and adjust functions you want to test:

    Go into the index.ts file and look for the ℹ️ in the main() function. You can uncomment the functions you want to test and save the file.

  6. Start the script:

    npm start