This event manager app is the second app that I have created for my portfolio. It demonstrates my skills on creating database entities and building proper relationships between them. Throughout the project I have demonstrated and made use of my skills and knowledge in C#, ASP.NET MVC 5, SQL Server 2016, Entity Framework 6 (Code-first approach), Bootstrap 4, HTML, CSS, and jQuery.
It is possible to view what the app does by clicking the Demo navigation button at the top right corner of the screen at the Home Page. It also allows you to register and sign in. Then, it assigns you with new database entites for Events, Venues and People, all of which you can use the website's interface to populate. One must have at least one person and one venue to be able to create an event.
You can add a Venue by clicking the top right navigation button that says "Venues," and the clicking the plus button that appears where a Venue would normally be displayed. Likewise, you can add people to your list by doing the same thing, but in the People pane, to which you can navigate using the top right navigation button that says People. Having added at least one venue to the Venues and one person to People, you can go on to create an Event in the same fashion.
NOTE: I have left the database initialization strategy as Drop Create Database Always, since this is an application built solely on purpose of demonstrating my skills mentioned in the first paragraph.