Predict energy consumption and energy costs. Create APIs to be querried by Watthot proposes 6 apis: 1) Cost calculation 2)Description Query 3) Connection Time Query 4)Front End Static Image Name Query
- Utility_Name
- Rate_Name
- distance: Daily distnce driven bu the EV (miles)
- maker: EV brand
- model: EV model
- year: EV model year
- charger: Type of charger (Level 1/ Level 2 - 25 amp/ Level 2 - 40 amp / Level 2 - 50 amp)
- N_room: Nb of rooms in the house (1- 5+)
- N_day: Nb of people present in the house during day time (1- 5+)
- N_night: Nb of people present in the house during evening and night time (1- 5+)
- Ls_App: Extra appliances: 1/0:Yes/No - List Element:[Stove,Dishwasher,Clothes Washer,Dryer,Swimming Pool,HVAC]
- Cust_Monthly_Cost Monthly electricity cost($) of customer; default value: 0 - may not be given by customer
- Connection time: connection time of household appliances and EV (time step: 15 minutes) - List Element:[house1, house2, house3, EV]
Ouputs: vector of cost for each utility rate (PG&E: [ETOU-A,ETOU-B,EV-TOU,E1] )
- Total_W: Total monthly cost during winter
- Total_S: Total monthly cost during summer
- House_W: Household monthly cost during winter
- House_S: Household monthly cost during summer
- Def_W: Deferrable loads: monthly cost during winter (Dishwasher,Clothes Washer,Dryer) (
- Def_S: Deferrable loads: monthly cost during summer (Dishwasher,Clothes Washer,Dryer)
- EV_W: EV monthly cost during winter
- EV_S: EV monthly cost during summer
- Plan_Name: List of the Utility name and the PG&E plan name
Ouputs: description,eligibilit of cost for each utility rate (PG&E: [ETOU-A,ETOU-B,EV-TOU,E1] )http://localhost:8000/cost/conn/?Utility_Name=PG&E
Ouputs: connection time of cost for each utility rate (PG&E: [ETOU-A,ETOU-B,EV-TOU,E1] )http://localhost:8000/cost/image/?Utility_Name=PG&E
Ouputs: static image name for each utility rate (PG&E: [ETOU-A,ETOU-B,EV-TOU,E1] )